Message from @Stg_Qube

Discord ID: 773235610193756193

2020-11-03 17:20:20 UTC  

dude, I have a gay friend who hates the pride parades in Britain. he says he cant stand them.

2020-11-03 17:20:27 UTC  

im sure dems think the same about african american trump supports

2020-11-03 17:20:28 UTC  

They started losing credibility when they started adding 70+ other genders

2020-11-03 17:20:44 UTC  

Dems think the same about all their voter groups.

2020-11-03 17:20:48 UTC  

A lot of gay/bi/trans people want to be treated as just that, people, but they’ll also separate themselves by forming their own space

2020-11-03 17:21:02 UTC  

If I had a dollar for every gender there was I would have 2 dollars

2020-11-03 17:21:04 UTC  

> dude, I have a gay friend who hates the pride parades in Britain. he says he cant stand them.
I'm a lesbian, I actually think the parades are losing its meaning.

2020-11-03 17:21:04 UTC  

Trump is winning in NH 16 votes to 10 votes

2020-11-03 17:21:07 UTC  

lol Lucario

2020-11-03 17:21:25 UTC  

They’re literally cannibalizing their own people and calling bisexuals transphobic.

2020-11-03 17:21:28 UTC  

The parades are just glorifying taboos.

2020-11-03 17:21:29 UTC  

school be like

2020-11-03 17:21:33 UTC  

NH has a chance to go red

2020-11-03 17:21:44 UTC  

I just want lgbtq to stop shoving shit down my throat and ruining things I like by shoving that down my throat I don’t hate gay people I’m just sick of it being shoved in my face

2020-11-03 17:21:48 UTC  

I don't believe there's a such thing as bisexual you're either gay or straight

2020-11-03 17:21:53 UTC  

Have pride in whatever you want, go for it, I dont care... but having sexually explicit parades that involve children and encourage indecent exposure in the presence of children is too fucking far. be gay, dont try to make me be gay

2020-11-03 17:21:57 UTC  

Wut i miss

2020-11-03 17:22:00 UTC  

> I don't believe there's a such thing as bisexual you're either gay or straight

2020-11-03 17:22:04 UTC  

no thing as bi

2020-11-03 17:22:04 UTC  


2020-11-03 17:22:15 UTC  

@Tex we have to see where the 3000 independent voters from 2016 vote

2020-11-03 17:22:16 UTC  

Sorry man, but that’s some dumb shit

2020-11-03 17:22:26 UTC  


2020-11-03 17:22:29 UTC  

pretty dumb

2020-11-03 17:22:29 UTC  

You can't be both

2020-11-03 17:22:33 UTC  

You cant be just gay or straight because there people who swing bkth ways

2020-11-03 17:22:34 UTC  

Yes you can

2020-11-03 17:22:34 UTC  

bruh what

2020-11-03 17:22:37 UTC  

It’s called bi

2020-11-03 17:22:44 UTC  

a gay person likes the same gender. a straight person likes the opposite gender. a bisexual person likes both... how is that not a thing?

2020-11-03 17:22:45 UTC  

My big problem is if the government tries to get involved in the religion by forcing priests to hold gay weddings and stuff like that

2020-11-03 17:22:50 UTC  

> You can't be both
@ARCADEIUS how do you know that?

2020-11-03 17:23:05 UTC  
2020-11-03 17:23:05 UTC  

Sometimes I like men

2020-11-03 17:23:09 UTC  

Sometimes I like women

2020-11-03 17:23:09 UTC  

he knows because he is 107% gay

2020-11-03 17:23:10 UTC  

It is sin

2020-11-03 17:23:16 UTC  

There is reason why separation of church and state is a thing

2020-11-03 17:23:16 UTC  

You can like both ,me being living example

2020-11-03 17:23:17 UTC  

bruh what

2020-11-03 17:23:18 UTC  
