Message from @Blackfalcon351

Discord ID: 773487894572695552

2020-11-04 10:02:53 UTC  

If trump loses ga I have no idea what to say

2020-11-04 10:02:56 UTC  

Hasn’t it been 600k for the past few hours?

2020-11-04 10:02:56 UTC  

CNN couldnt even bring themselves to call Texas whereas other networks had done so

2020-11-04 10:03:02 UTC  

God damn

2020-11-04 10:03:15 UTC  

We have standards at NBC-NBC reporter legit heard this

2020-11-04 10:03:23 UTC  


2020-11-04 10:03:24 UTC  

at this point we can just hope, hope that their cheating isn't enough to beat trump

2020-11-04 10:03:28 UTC  

I just have a bad feeling that corrupt people are leading everything

2020-11-04 10:03:32 UTC  

Good news. The gap in MI is growing again

2020-11-04 10:03:45 UTC  

seriously dou, people in california who still vote for biden after dems fucked up that state is beyond me

2020-11-04 10:03:52 UTC  

I mean WI was always blue right

2020-11-04 10:04:02 UTC  


2020-11-04 10:04:02 UTC  

beats me

2020-11-04 10:04:10 UTC  

Cali and NY seems irredeemable from this point

2020-11-04 10:04:14 UTC  

What proof right now is there that the dems are cheating?

2020-11-04 10:04:24 UTC  

> seriously dou, people in california who still vote for biden after dems fucked up that state is beyond me

Not surprising if you see Mark Dice's videos. Most Californians are dumb as rock

2020-11-04 10:04:26 UTC  

they brought in new ballots

2020-11-04 10:04:30 UTC  

100k votes just appeared out of nowhere in WI
> What proof right now is there that the dems are cheating?

2020-11-04 10:04:33 UTC  

Mysterious ballots

2020-11-04 10:04:36 UTC  


2020-11-04 10:04:44 UTC  

> seriously dou, people in california who still vote for biden after dems fucked up that state is beyond me
@Milouch i need to get out of this state

2020-11-04 10:04:56 UTC  

Why this state is blue/red

2020-11-04 10:05:02 UTC  

100k votes is enough to swing North Carolina. They could completely rig the results at this point

2020-11-04 10:05:11 UTC  

Gee who wouldv'e seen these myseterious ballots coming? Imagine my shock

2020-11-04 10:05:17 UTC  

> Why this state is blue/red
@Farjona cuz theyre special 🌟

2020-11-04 10:05:23 UTC  

they still are cheating, massively

2020-11-04 10:05:24 UTC  

There are also machines that refuse to scan republican ballots that had sharpies used on them

2020-11-04 10:05:24 UTC  

> Why this state is blue/red
@Farjona cuz they still waiting for the 500k biden ballots freshly printed

2020-11-04 10:05:28 UTC  

Yeah I live the video where californians think that Let Harvey Oswald shot Jesus

2020-11-04 10:05:36 UTC  

Split electorate

> Why this state is blue/red

2020-11-04 10:05:40 UTC  

Bad things happend, he's fcking cheating

2020-11-04 10:05:49 UTC  

If the people find out this is a rigged election shits going down

2020-11-04 10:05:56 UTC  

That rally at Michigan definitely helped Trump

2020-11-04 10:06:00 UTC  

> Yeah I live the video where californians think that Let Harvey Oswald shot Jesus
@𝔅𝔦𝔤 Shrek i mean do you have proof he didnt?

2020-11-04 10:06:01 UTC  

And it will

2020-11-04 10:06:05 UTC  

strange they said on the news they got 100k ballots escorted with police protection and all 100k voted biden?

2020-11-04 10:06:06 UTC  

Take over the white house, storm it 😅

2020-11-04 10:06:23 UTC  

Yeah wtf

2020-11-04 10:06:25 UTC  

im getting black pilled

2020-11-04 10:06:40 UTC  

I hate Republicans. They are too slow to take action and let Democrats run amok unopposed.

2020-11-04 10:06:47 UTC  

> strange they said on the news they got 100k ballots escorted with police protection and all 100k voted biden?
@SupremeMandalore nothing fishy here