Message from @Hot babe VK168.01 (P)

Discord ID: 773524028907716618

2020-11-04 12:27:06 UTC  

why is everyone saying goodnight its 730 in the morning in the east coast

2020-11-04 12:27:08 UTC  

We don’t know

2020-11-04 12:27:14 UTC  

Biden won

2020-11-04 12:27:16 UTC  

> What is Trump thinking at this moment?

On his knees, praying to Jesus

2020-11-04 12:27:20 UTC  

Not for sure. It's not over yet

2020-11-04 12:27:21 UTC  

No one won yet. People are being emotional and depressed.

2020-11-04 12:27:26 UTC  

Theres no SJW sequel

2020-11-04 12:27:26 UTC  

They're still counting

2020-11-04 12:27:27 UTC  

> Biden won

2020-11-04 12:27:37 UTC  

Not that I dont get it, but still.

2020-11-04 12:27:41 UTC  

If joe wins then we might have a civil war or ww3

2020-11-04 12:27:46 UTC  

I check back everyone says we lose what's up? Trolls?

2020-11-04 12:27:52 UTC  

biden won and anyone who is expecting a miracle is dumb

2020-11-04 12:27:56 UTC  

The Media is abusing the public right now. We have had fake news for 4 years...don't you get it yet?

2020-11-04 12:27:57 UTC  

He might done @Gamarasa 's right no-one *won* yet

2020-11-04 12:28:05 UTC  

If Joe wins at least Kamala stole the title of first female president

2020-11-04 12:28:05 UTC  

I'm just awaiting for Georgia to be projected. After that, it's the final announcement.

2020-11-04 12:28:06 UTC  

Yep trolls

2020-11-04 12:28:10 UTC  

No sjw sequel, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

2020-11-04 12:28:11 UTC  

we are looking like a trump victory rn though

2020-11-04 12:28:19 UTC  

I need tonk to crush commies

2020-11-04 12:28:20 UTC  

They're still counting, states are leaning red, trump has a path to victory still, stfu and wait

2020-11-04 12:28:22 UTC  

It’s not trolling just look at the numbers. If trump wins now it’s a miracle literally

2020-11-04 12:28:25 UTC  

Just pray

2020-11-04 12:28:25 UTC  

No there is a bunch of states that haven’t decided and most are red rn

2020-11-04 12:28:28 UTC  

georgia is likely red

2020-11-04 12:28:29 UTC  

Commies suck

2020-11-04 12:28:43 UTC  

Are we fucked

2020-11-04 12:28:46 UTC  

@A Person it's probably gonna be a close one

2020-11-04 12:28:47 UTC  


2020-11-04 12:28:50 UTC  

all you can do is pray

2020-11-04 12:28:53 UTC  

Georgia and Penn better go red

2020-11-04 12:28:57 UTC  

Pray, people, pray!

2020-11-04 12:28:58 UTC  

MI too

2020-11-04 12:29:02 UTC  

Trump is leading in states tho

2020-11-04 12:29:03 UTC  

Theyre both leaning red.

2020-11-04 12:29:03 UTC  

we can possibly win nevada too

2020-11-04 12:29:04 UTC  

This is fucked

2020-11-04 12:29:07 UTC  

WI went from 260000 lead to now 10000 without 1 vote for trump MI went from 110000 lead to 20000 lead for biden in 1 hour

2020-11-04 12:29:07 UTC  

A lot of them are literally in the <1% range.

2020-11-04 12:29:09 UTC  

ye let's pray