Message from @JJ04

Discord ID: 773819111423475722

2020-11-05 07:58:33 UTC  


2020-11-05 07:58:34 UTC  

> @Tex
> Lol can I ask why
@WLR.FLOP because I live in a blue state surrounded by morons and I can actually enjoy hanging out with like minded people, and knowing that if shit goes down theres people who've got my back same I have theirs, and also cus Murica as fuck

2020-11-05 07:58:45 UTC  

@WLR.FLOP Do some research. Watch Gavin McInnes videos

2020-11-05 07:58:52 UTC  

> @WLR.FLOP because I live in a blue state surrounded by morons and I can actually enjoy hanging out with like minded people, and knowing that if shit goes down theres people who've got my back same I have theirs, and also cus Murica as fuck

2020-11-05 07:58:55 UTC  

@Tex what are the proud boys even about

2020-11-05 07:59:15 UTC  

@dbel bout beating tf outa antifa bitches

2020-11-05 07:59:22 UTC  

Again... watch Gavin McInnes videos

2020-11-05 07:59:23 UTC  

It's more than that

2020-11-05 07:59:25 UTC  

> @Tex what are the proud boys even about
@dbel being cool idk

2020-11-05 07:59:31 UTC  

I saw something saying they think men are the dominant sex

2020-11-05 07:59:42 UTC  

They are

2020-11-05 07:59:56 UTC  

nah that's a different group

2020-11-05 07:59:56 UTC  

Like jerpeau said, but also go with more recent stuff from like Tim Pools interview with Enrique

2020-11-05 08:00:05 UTC  

> I saw something saying they think men are the dominant sex
They just aren't weak like liberal men. They actually have some testosterone

2020-11-05 08:00:18 UTC  

Imagine being a liberal

2020-11-05 08:00:25 UTC  


2020-11-05 08:00:27 UTC  

> Imagine being a liberal
@JJ04 can’t imagine

2020-11-05 08:00:36 UTC  

Me neither

2020-11-05 08:00:45 UTC  

Do we still have hope

2020-11-05 08:00:50 UTC  

I'm a independent

2020-11-05 08:00:53 UTC  


2020-11-05 08:00:55 UTC  

Social just 1 2 3. I wanna be PC

2020-11-05 08:00:58 UTC  

If I ever become a liberal someone take me out back and shoot me lol

2020-11-05 08:01:08 UTC  

How old are you @WLR.FLOP?

2020-11-05 08:01:15 UTC  

I'd post what the proud boys stand for but mods would probably delete it eve though its technically relevant to the topic atm

2020-11-05 08:01:17 UTC  

> Update?
@Bee Arizona is no longer called for Biden, Trump is closing in, trump is holding the lead in GA, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina

2020-11-05 08:01:20 UTC  


2020-11-05 08:01:22 UTC  

The news bought Joe Biden; so if anything goes wrong under Biden's term they will neglect to release it.

2020-11-05 08:01:36 UTC  


2020-11-05 08:01:41 UTC  

If Biden wins you won't hear a thing about Covid-19. They will say it disappeared

2020-11-05 08:01:45 UTC  

> @Bee Arizona is no longer called for Biden, Trump is closing in, trump is holding the lead in GA, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina
Did fox retract too?

2020-11-05 08:01:53 UTC  

Whats up in Michigan

2020-11-05 08:01:57 UTC  

> @dbel
> Did fox retract too?
@ElCalafate no not yet

2020-11-05 08:02:00 UTC  


2020-11-05 08:02:04 UTC  

Fox needs to be held accountable

2020-11-05 08:02:23 UTC  

I know a good 30 people who's votes were void because of the sharpie incident here

2020-11-05 08:02:25 UTC  

Fox guy died or smhtn he cant change things anymore

2020-11-05 08:02:28 UTC  

Tucker Carlson needs to leave Fox

2020-11-05 08:02:29 UTC  

do you people realise you can just go and look like the rest of us?? there is no secret website we go too

2020-11-05 08:02:31 UTC  

Many things need to be held accountable.

2020-11-05 08:02:50 UTC  

It's easier to have someone else post it because I'm lazy to be honest.