Message from @Nicnac610

Discord ID: 774111150937341993

2020-11-06 03:19:35 UTC  

> Apparently Georgia is 100% in
@ingrossob source?

2020-11-06 03:19:36 UTC  


2020-11-06 03:19:38 UTC  

Kanye voted for Kanye

2020-11-06 03:19:42 UTC  

Like 57k people voted for kanye lol

2020-11-06 03:19:44 UTC  

I know people that voted for Kanye 😂

2020-11-06 03:19:46 UTC  

> Apparently Georgia is 100% in
@ingrossob whAt

2020-11-06 03:20:00 UTC  

Not me I didn’t vote Kanye

2020-11-06 03:20:06 UTC  

@Lucario I see Biden as the better out of the 2

2020-11-06 03:20:15 UTC  

Literally everyone says they voted Kanye lol

2020-11-06 03:20:16 UTC  

Kanye did surprisingly well in the South

2020-11-06 03:20:21 UTC  

The two states that got the highest percentages of Kanye votes are the two states with the highest percentage of Mormons

2020-11-06 03:20:36 UTC  

Im okay with a Kanye surge

2020-11-06 03:20:46 UTC  


2020-11-06 03:20:48 UTC  

Did Kanye even choose a VP or-

2020-11-06 03:20:51 UTC  

> @ingrossob source?
@Fivan I only saw from Comments on Charlie kirks live stream but those people said their source is fox

2020-11-06 03:20:54 UTC  

Kanye>Biden change my mind

2020-11-06 03:21:02 UTC  

Even though they are both not that great

2020-11-06 03:21:03 UTC  

I honestly don't see why someone would vote for Kanye. Yeah, hahaha, you pulled a meme on us, but seriously. Don't they care about our nation's future? Vote for who you think will make America better, not some joke who's running for the meme.

2020-11-06 03:21:04 UTC  

how about kanye 2028 or something

2020-11-06 03:21:15 UTC  

I mean if you HAD to choose 1 would it be biden or kanye

2020-11-06 03:21:20 UTC  

The good thing about Kanye west is that he can speak a complete sentence so

2020-11-06 03:21:21 UTC  


2020-11-06 03:21:22 UTC  

> I mean if you HAD to choose 1 would it be biden or kanye
@Golden kanye

2020-11-06 03:21:27 UTC  

@Nicnac610 not sure about that

2020-11-06 03:21:35 UTC  

Same id choose kanye

2020-11-06 03:21:36 UTC  

Kanye all the way. far smarter than joe

2020-11-06 03:21:39 UTC  

Kanye is a joke but Biden Harris will take the US on the way to socialism

2020-11-06 03:21:44 UTC  

I'd rather kanye than biden. He seems like a decent guy

2020-11-06 03:21:50 UTC  

Omfg, Kanye actually got about 60k votes SMDH

2020-11-06 03:22:02 UTC  

> Omfg, Kanye actually got about 60k votes SMDH
@newt-gecko-goat lol yeah

2020-11-06 03:22:08 UTC  

Part of me is rooting for Kanye bigly

2020-11-06 03:22:15 UTC  

Kanye got 0.43% of the votes in his best state, Utah

2020-11-06 03:22:17 UTC decision desk hq says more than 99% in for georgia

2020-11-06 03:22:18 UTC  

He already conceded

2020-11-06 03:22:26 UTC  

I think that trump might actually lose GA

2020-11-06 03:22:28 UTC  

Biden might actually be the stupidest president ever born

2020-11-06 03:22:28 UTC  

> Kanye got 0.43% of the votes in his best state, Utah
@38Caliber Thats depressing.

2020-11-06 03:22:29 UTC  


2020-11-06 03:22:34 UTC  

oh. no. oh. no. oh. no.

2020-11-06 03:22:39 UTC  

> Part of me is rooting for Kanye bigly
@Sai are you mentally deficient?

2020-11-06 03:22:48 UTC  

Smdh is shake my dong head right