Message from @luminoussun

Discord ID: 774123088861331456

2020-11-06 04:06:54 UTC  

Ah what the sh**

2020-11-06 04:07:00 UTC  

> Dude, dudes can love dudes without being gay.... What is this world coming to?
@newt-gecko-goat im into it

2020-11-06 04:07:02 UTC  

watch that

2020-11-06 04:07:07 UTC  

Mask don't do shit

2020-11-06 04:07:11 UTC  

That's just weird. But still should be fine.

2020-11-06 04:07:15 UTC  

we also weren't allowed to go out of the classroom

2020-11-06 04:07:22 UTC  

"We made an error"

2020-11-06 04:07:27 UTC  

@SpaceDandyJoestarGG They stop some droplets.

2020-11-06 04:07:35 UTC  

> @newt-gecko-goat im into it
@FerretFondue are you still trying to make it gay?

2020-11-06 04:07:39 UTC  

Also love you fam you know who I'm talking too

2020-11-06 04:07:45 UTC  

Right now in Georgia, Trump is exactly 1775 votes ahead of Biden. The same year the Revolutionary War starts.

2020-11-06 04:07:46 UTC  

> @FerretFondue are you still trying to make it gay?
@newt-gecko-goat let me dream god

2020-11-06 04:07:57 UTC  

WhY ArE You Gae

2020-11-06 04:08:09 UTC  

U are gae

2020-11-06 04:08:16 UTC  

Hey, I'm fighting for hetero rights!

2020-11-06 04:08:19 UTC  

@The Central Scrutinizer why did you have to say that, you're gonna get the conspiracy theorists ranting

2020-11-06 04:08:24 UTC  

> Mask don't do shit
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG 85% of cases have been with people who wore masks. The virus is 1 micron big and the holes in the masks are 3

2020-11-06 04:08:40 UTC  

Being gay is fine, but the radical fetishized version of lgbtq the left has creeps me out

2020-11-06 04:08:45 UTC  

so i wasn't allowed to the bathroom all day, we sat behind plexi glass, if we got out of our seats we were immediately forced to sit back down, we couldn't take our masks off.

2020-11-06 04:08:46 UTC  

unless you wear a full azmat suit with a oxygen line covid can get through. all masks do is actually make you ill from prolonged use

2020-11-06 04:08:53 UTC  

Ew bro you are a homo sapiens that means you gae

2020-11-06 04:08:58 UTC  

@gggghhhheeee It still stops some droplets.

2020-11-06 04:09:11 UTC  

> @Xioz that’s what I’m thinking. Trump is a titan the man won’t let this slide he ain’t atypical spineless Republicans politician
@bbgun94 Funny how we’ve been conditioned by RINO’s to believe that civility is far more important than the integrity of the American voting system. Trump isn’t the hero that the left or never Trumpers want, but he will destroy his own reputation to save this country. Something we need to be very aware of right now.

2020-11-06 04:09:12 UTC  

> Being gay is fine, but the radical fetishized version of lgbtq the left has creeps me out
@Big Green Couldn't agree more.

2020-11-06 04:09:13 UTC  

Not enough to make it worth wearing

2020-11-06 04:09:17 UTC  

i kiss my girls goodnight with socks on, is that gae?

2020-11-06 04:09:20 UTC  

Yeah mask barely help

2020-11-06 04:09:24 UTC  

> i kiss my girls goodnight with socks on, is that gae?
@Sai ye

2020-11-06 04:09:28 UTC  


2020-11-06 04:09:32 UTC  


2020-11-06 04:09:34 UTC  

> Ew bro you are a homo sapiens that means you gae
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG no, that means you failed english

2020-11-06 04:09:35 UTC  

@Jwolf wassup

2020-11-06 04:09:37 UTC  

Howdy howdy

2020-11-06 04:09:37 UTC  

@Sai ye and hi Res

2020-11-06 04:09:43 UTC  

@Izzy Say Whaat!? That's just too much. I can understand the headache, if you have a poorly made mask, your breath can go up into your eyes, which caused me a headache on Tuesday.

2020-11-06 04:09:44 UTC  

How are y’all?

2020-11-06 04:09:53 UTC  

Doing good just pissed off

2020-11-06 04:09:56 UTC  

Mad about voter fraud

2020-11-06 04:09:58 UTC  

im hvaing an existential crisis, but fine

2020-11-06 04:09:59 UTC  

you have to weigh us the health risk wearing them against not wearing them