Message from @Benjamin.

Discord ID: 774173563288682496

2020-11-06 07:24:30 UTC  

> @SeraphBlade Christ means “anointed one,” which happens to be the same meaning of “Messiah” and Jesus is the Anglicized version of Ieosus, itself a Greek translation of the Hebrew Yeshua, which means “salvation”
@ryan mythsword By the Christian word. He was just a guy who started out Jewish and made his own thing off of that. There is no Jewish book or word anywhere that makes him a Messiah

2020-11-06 07:24:41 UTC  

> Socialism would work great if we all didn't like competition, did the right thing all the time, and didn't care about advancing civilization at all
@newt-gecko-goat so basically if we were robots in some dystopia

2020-11-06 07:24:47 UTC  

On that note, Imma head of to bed. I've got Calculus tomorrow

2020-11-06 07:25:00 UTC  

> @AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] Ooooh, I'm sorry I misspoke. We actually need cOmMuNiSm
@ThyDoctor same thing.... dont want it i want to keep as much of what I make as possible

2020-11-06 07:25:04 UTC  

I grew up in Romania lol,I lived socialism sadly,scarred for life lol

2020-11-06 07:25:13 UTC  

communism is when the government run everything socialism is when you pretend they dont run everything...but they do

2020-11-06 07:25:33 UTC  

> @newt-gecko-goat which is why libertarianism doesn't work
@ThyDoctor sort of.... Libertarian kinda means live by the sword die by the sword.

2020-11-06 07:26:42 UTC  

never spokme to anyone who come from a socialist country who had a good thing to say about it..only the ruling class likes it

2020-11-06 07:26:49 UTC  

There’s a very nice warm spot between some libertarianism and some authoritarianism where America sits

2020-11-06 07:27:04 UTC  

Libertarianism to me doesn' work to well as its just a SUPER yee-haw America which I would like BUT with the world today its too easy to be invaded if we're seen as weak. I know a COUPLE of places that wants us gone

2020-11-06 07:27:20 UTC  

> never spokme to anyone who come from a socialist country who had a good thing to say about it..only the ruling class likes it
@luminoussun that's why our ruling class wants it so much

2020-11-06 07:27:29 UTC  


2020-11-06 07:28:16 UTC  

> Libertarianism to me doesn' work to well as its just a SUPER yee-haw America which I would like BUT with the world today its too easy to be invaded if we're seen as weak. I know a COUPLE of places that wants us gone
@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] we need some of that yee-haw America and some of that defensive America

2020-11-06 07:28:25 UTC  

I would love to be at the top of the socialist pyramid scheme

2020-11-06 07:28:27 UTC  

first thing they do is control what your kids learn. control the media then remove your guns and then give them to the brainwashed kids to rule over you

2020-11-06 07:28:48 UTC  

no no I still want it to be MORE yee-haw, i'm Conservative, just not to the extent of Libertarian's @Benjamin.

2020-11-06 07:28:55 UTC  


2020-11-06 07:29:02 UTC  

Yeah that’s what I mean

2020-11-06 07:29:04 UTC  

theres nno need to feel down

2020-11-06 07:29:13 UTC  

i sad young man

2020-11-06 07:29:20 UTC  

Old man

2020-11-06 07:29:21 UTC  


2020-11-06 07:29:56 UTC  

I want to be a sovern citizen!!!!🤣

2020-11-06 07:29:57 UTC  


2020-11-06 07:30:15 UTC  

are we winning yet?

2020-11-06 07:30:20 UTC  

do you mean southern?

2020-11-06 07:30:21 UTC  

theres no need to be down

2020-11-06 07:30:35 UTC  


2020-11-06 07:30:49 UTC  

> are we winning yet?
@Chinny McChinface#3340 more than we were last night

2020-11-06 07:30:57 UTC  

no we are not winning i would say we are up shit street without a paddle

2020-11-06 07:31:30 UTC  

Libertarianism just goes too far legalizing a ton of Drugs is bad for the strength of america, I like the Idea of low taxes i'm not a huge fan of saying "if it doesn't effect me i dont care" to everything

2020-11-06 07:31:41 UTC  

i would say dumb is on the rise

2020-11-06 07:31:45 UTC  

> no we are not winning i would say we are up shit street without a paddle
@luminoussun interesting example you got there. Is that from experience?

2020-11-06 07:32:15 UTC  

like when its applied to abortion, idk exactly how a lot of libertarians view it, I know all the libertarians I know support pro choice

2020-11-06 07:32:36 UTC  

> @luminoussun interesting example you got there. Is that from experience?
@Chuck Norris' beard🇮🇱 well we are about to lose GA PEN NEVADA and arizona so yea we fucked

2020-11-06 07:32:57 UTC  

> @AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] like trans people and other abortion?
@ThyDoctor what?

2020-11-06 07:33:05 UTC  

<:KEK:726877368601411624> Honey! Where are the panic pills?

2020-11-06 07:33:09 UTC  

I'm from west coast of Canada and have only ever voted far left....Trump 2020

2020-11-06 07:33:26 UTC  

> @ThyDoctor what?
@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] I think he made your argument for you

2020-11-06 07:33:58 UTC  

i believe only the left should be allowed to have abortions and in time things will sort itself out

2020-11-06 07:34:22 UTC  

> i believe only the left should be allowed to have abortions and in time things will sort itself out
@luminoussun still a innocent life lost.