Message from @Chilly

Discord ID: 774281991725645855

2020-11-06 14:38:11 UTC  


2020-11-06 14:38:11 UTC  

people do be voting to have higher taxes and lower job opportunities

2020-11-06 14:38:20 UTC  

> HOW DID BIDEN GET MORE SUPPORT THAN OBAMA (when democrats had some patriotism)
@Braden of Nations brainwash

2020-11-06 14:38:25 UTC  

I think there needs to be over whelming evidence in order for people to accept a rigged election.

2020-11-06 14:38:26 UTC  

> HOW DID BIDEN GET MORE SUPPORT THAN OBAMA (when democrats had some patriotism)
@Braden of Nations Cos Biden is more popular than Obama apparently <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-06 14:38:31 UTC  

> The People's Republic of America
@Braden of Nations vs. the American Republic of the People

2020-11-06 14:38:34 UTC  

> HOW DID BIDEN GET MORE SUPPORT THAN OBAMA (when democrats had some patriotism)
@Braden of Nations with voter fraud

2020-11-06 14:38:39 UTC  

Pretty sure its over for Trump

2020-11-06 14:38:55 UTC  

They more internet people get and the modern it becomes, the more people find out. Democrats might ruin this future because of it.

2020-11-06 14:39:05 UTC  

democrats wont be happy until their once beautiful and iconic america cities are destroyed

2020-11-06 14:39:09 UTC  


2020-11-06 14:39:20 UTC  

amazing how the count barely moving now that sleepy joe in the lead in GA huh

2020-11-06 14:39:28 UTC  

> Pretty sure its over for Trump
@MathiasAlexandrowich unless he wins in court

2020-11-06 14:39:34 UTC  

Yeah even if Trump wins in court the Riots will start

2020-11-06 14:39:39 UTC  

> democrats wont be happy until their once beautiful and iconic america cities are destroyed
@Braden of Nations if you think about it from their point of view if everything is burnt down then everyone is equal in a stupid kind of way

2020-11-06 14:39:47 UTC  


2020-11-06 14:39:53 UTC  

but if he wins, he can shut them down instantaneously, with NG

2020-11-06 14:39:54 UTC  

An evil Cabal of democrats printing ballots or ripping up Trump votes is much more attractive to the emotionally invested than a subtle cherry-pickling of third parties

2020-11-06 14:40:02 UTC  

> amazing how the count barely moving now that sleepy joe in the lead in GA huh
@DjinnTyr they're hand counting the ones that didn't go through the machines

2020-11-06 14:40:07 UTC  

based and Zeducation pilled

2020-11-06 14:40:12 UTC  

he can do the insurrection act, and end it all

2020-11-06 14:40:17 UTC  

I hereby declare that the Radical Left Libtards and Democrats will transfrom America into nothing the world have ever seen! They will remove the 2nd Amendment, raise taxs, and turn America into a near communist regime! Biden is puppet, Kamala is behind this. We have already seen what these Democrats have already done: cheat. And they will cheat even more! IF nothing changes, Republicans and Conservatives will never be able to win a SINGLE election. This is why NEVER trust the Libtards.

2020-11-06 14:40:18 UTC  

We won't be the violent side unless if Biden wins the courts, then we have something to riot off of.

2020-11-06 14:40:18 UTC  

The two reasons why we are here today with Trump losing is because of voter fraud, and the fake news lying and bashing Trump and making people hate him over the last 4 motherfucking years

2020-11-06 14:40:26 UTC  

> but if he wins, he can shut them down instantaneously, with NG
Well then someone can lead protests and stuff I don't know

2020-11-06 14:40:44 UTC  

cant wait how that one senile pedo is going to cure corona <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-06 14:40:47 UTC  

only reason people arent voting trump is covid, which covid wont last for 4 more years, so thats a dumb reason to vote on

2020-11-06 14:40:58 UTC  

This dosen't make any sense wtf

2020-11-06 14:41:02 UTC  

So I got a question

2020-11-06 14:41:09 UTC  

> only reason people arent voting trump is covid, which covid wont last for 4 more years, so thats a dumb reason to vote on
@Chilly as if biden couldve done any better

2020-11-06 14:41:11 UTC  

the biden covid plan is exactly like trumps

2020-11-06 14:41:19 UTC  

what can trump do in this moment

2020-11-06 14:41:24 UTC  

> cant wait how that one senile pedo is going to cure corona <:KEK:726877368601411624>
@dstn it will probably happen Jan 2023

2020-11-06 14:41:29 UTC  

sue, recount, and wait

2020-11-06 14:41:29 UTC  

They wanted Biden to win because
Socialism > Good Economy

2020-11-06 14:41:40 UTC  

We need a lawyer to explain this lmao'

2020-11-06 14:41:49 UTC  

> what can trump do in this moment
@[1L32]superofficerjustin ACB will save us!!!

2020-11-06 14:41:57 UTC  

weren’t the nazis socialists too?

2020-11-06 14:42:03 UTC  

I hope it doesn't take long for trump to win the courts.

2020-11-06 14:42:07 UTC  


2020-11-06 14:42:16 UTC  

they were at first, then yeah