Message from @hyperiacob

Discord ID: 774316778670653502

2020-11-06 16:55:28 UTC  

In my history class, we were doing stuff about the cholera epidemic in the UK in the Victorian era and there was a grim reaper image and the teacher asked me who it was (answer, grim reaper) but I said it was RBG

2020-11-06 16:55:31 UTC  

> Let's have a little optimism. If we're running with:
> "I did more in 47 months than you did in 47 years"
> Then if Biden can't get anything done, he won't be able to ruin the country either.
> Biden can ruin the nation, or biden can't get anything done. Pick one!
> "ruining the nation" is just the same sort of hysteria leftists spouted when they lost... you don't want to be this do you?
> -><:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>
@Sengorn Leopardae problem is the people behind him: omar, AOC, KAmeLeón

2020-11-06 16:55:34 UTC  

> @StahrWalker77 the teacher even asked who we would vote for so idk
@Black Squadron That is the definition of fascism only think like me

2020-11-06 16:55:59 UTC  

We did a poll in our school for some history classes and it was Biden 270 votes Trump 260 I was suprised how close it was in a liberal area the silent majority exists young or old

2020-11-06 16:56:04 UTC  

> My history teacher says that he’s not trying to push you to like any party. And then rants about how bad the democrats are and how great guns are the whole time
@Seal soooooo..... an american whos thinking with their head?

2020-11-06 16:56:27 UTC  

2nd amendment is rock solid and the Democrat party is fucked up

2020-11-06 16:56:41 UTC  


2020-11-06 16:56:45 UTC  

> @Black Squadron That is the definition of fascism only think like me
@StahrWalker77 yep i got called a fascist and someone called me a Bitch and the teacher didnt say anything

2020-11-06 16:56:54 UTC  

Is it wrong for my South African Physics teacher to say "probably Biden gon ruin the country much slower but probably im wrong i dont know shit bout politics"

2020-11-06 16:57:01 UTC  

Alaskan turned blue

2020-11-06 16:57:03 UTC  

Especiallyv when you look at all the Dem party has done in the past... the party is fundamentally broken. It morphs to whatever it believes will be supportive, wether it be slavery, or anti racism. The party has no anchoring values, like the Libertarian Party or Republican party. They can't stay true to themselves, because they have no selves. They are simply a reflection of what they think people, and always have been.

2020-11-06 16:57:13 UTC  

That’s inhales BULL

2020-11-06 16:57:31 UTC  

> @StahrWalker77 yep i got called a fascist and someone called me a Bitch and the teacher didnt say anything
@Black Squadron that should never happen

2020-11-06 16:57:55 UTC  

> Especiallyv when you look at all the Dem party has done in the past... the party is fundamentally broken. It morphs to whatever it believes will be supportive, wether it be slavery, or anti racism. The party has no anchoring values, like the Libertarian Party or Republican party. They can't stay true to themselves, because they have no selves. They are simply a reflection of what they think people, and always have been.
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) yeah at the moment socialism is the status quo

2020-11-06 16:58:02 UTC  

> @Black Squadron that should never happen
@StahrWalker77 yep

2020-11-06 16:58:02 UTC  

Keeps looking worse, better get those recounts in

2020-11-06 16:58:11 UTC  

Democrats are a group of people molding to society to find whatever they can to drive votes..

2020-11-06 16:58:13 UTC  

Oh mo

2020-11-06 16:58:20 UTC  


2020-11-06 16:58:22 UTC  

> Especiallyv when you look at all the Dem party has done in the past... the party is fundamentally broken. It morphs to whatever it believes will be supportive, wether it be slavery, or anti racism. The party has no anchoring values, like the Libertarian Party or Republican party. They can't stay true to themselves, because they have no selves. They are simply a reflection of what they think people, and always have been.
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) isn't adapting what you have to do to stay on top of the game?

2020-11-06 16:58:26 UTC  

I'm i didn't care about Guns and intill this election amd I'm 20 but now whats going on I'm trying to learn how to use a Gun I'm hoping my friends set up another shooting range in the desert and invite me

2020-11-06 16:58:42 UTC  

> @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) yeah at the moment socialism is the status quo
@ADLT If people condemn socialism, they will push it onto Republicans.

2020-11-06 16:58:48 UTC  

you're not going to have any guns if biden is confirmed

2020-11-06 16:59:03 UTC  

Cue the lawsuits

2020-11-06 16:59:12 UTC  

> Keeps looking worse, better get those recounts in
@Jesus Harold Christ not optimistic about the election "results" but optimistic about the odds of the entire Democrat establishment going to serve time in prison

2020-11-06 16:59:14 UTC  

My family is going to get a gun if he wins

2020-11-06 16:59:31 UTC  

> My family is going to get a gun if he wins
@StahrWalker77 bruh you dont have a gun cringe bro

2020-11-06 16:59:31 UTC  


2020-11-06 16:59:39 UTC  


2020-11-06 16:59:50 UTC  

guys should i protest

2020-11-06 16:59:53 UTC  

And possible civil war. No true american is gonna give up there guns willfully. It’ll be a fight and they know that. A lot of cops are pro 2A which leaves em kind of on there own

2020-11-06 16:59:58 UTC  

"the right to bear arms shall not be infringed"

2020-11-06 17:00:02 UTC  

> @StahrWalker77 bruh you dont have a gun cringe bro
@ADLT I am 13 and we never needed one before

2020-11-06 17:00:19 UTC  

North Carolina just turbed blue

2020-11-06 17:00:25 UTC  

> And possible civil war. No true american is gonna give up there guns willfully. It’ll be a fight and they know that. A lot of cops are pro 2A which leaves em kind of on there own
@Seal revolutionary war since we'd be fighting for freedom

2020-11-06 17:00:29 UTC  

Sorry my spelling is painful. I get other words wrapped in my head

2020-11-06 17:00:31 UTC  

Are u shitting me

2020-11-06 17:00:34 UTC  

> guys should i protest
@Black Squadron Make sure you do it with like-minded people

2020-11-06 17:00:51 UTC  

> @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) isn't adapting what you have to do to stay on top of the game?
@Alolan SnorLax Yes, adapting your practices and values. But they have none. The democratic party has no values. They champion whatever seems socially acceptable. That's how they can go from proclaiming that slavery is a God given right to saying that racism is evil.

2020-11-06 17:00:57 UTC  

> North Carolina just turbed blue
@Alolan SnorLax from what source

2020-11-06 17:00:59 UTC  

> @Black Squadron Make sure you do it with like-minded people
@StahrWalker77 actually i wont because antifa stabbed 4 people in my town recently