Message from @SpaceDandyJoestarGG

Discord ID: 774472945837801503

2020-11-07 03:17:16 UTC  

@SubtleSara I preferred YIM

2020-11-07 03:17:18 UTC  

> How dare you believe that all lives matter? Only black libs matter!
@newt-gecko-goat kanye had a cool point though about black babies matter too, #prolife

2020-11-07 03:17:19 UTC  

As a teen,I feel like most people I know support BLM without knowing the purpose of BLM.BLM yes but the movement no not at all.

2020-11-07 03:17:20 UTC  

> How dare you believe that all lives matter? Only black libs matter!
@newt-gecko-goat And leftist Feminists...

2020-11-07 03:17:21 UTC  

This is all a fraud

2020-11-07 03:17:23 UTC  

YEAH I tried to leave, my bad

2020-11-07 03:17:40 UTC  

I won't accept this election either way. It's a scam and needs redone. With voter id required.

2020-11-07 03:17:40 UTC  

Yahoo was shit.

2020-11-07 03:17:46 UTC  

Some old people shit

2020-11-07 03:17:54 UTC  

i'm good with revoting

2020-11-07 03:18:00 UTC  

I'd get behind redoing the election without mail in bs so quick

2020-11-07 03:18:02 UTC  

> As a teen,I feel like most people I know support BLM without knowing the purpose of BLM.BLM yes but the movement no not at qll.
@Vikdudu23 BLM used to be a justifiable organization

2020-11-07 03:18:22 UTC  

> @newt-gecko-goat kanye had a cool point though about black babies matter too, #prolife
@Dinglesplat I really hope kanye made a difference on that stage, and people didn't just brush him off as crazy kanye

2020-11-07 03:18:25 UTC  

I'd totally go vote again

2020-11-07 03:18:28 UTC  

It's interesting how the major issues all come from democrat run cities too

2020-11-07 03:18:34 UTC  

> Some old people shit
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG Watch your ass, we "Old people" are.

2020-11-07 03:18:44 UTC  

> @Dinglesplat I really hope kanye made a difference on that stage, and people didn't just brush him off as crazy kanye
@newt-gecko-goat he did it literally to steal black voters from the dems so trump would win

2020-11-07 03:18:46 UTC  

I guess we know why biden didn't need to campaign

2020-11-07 03:18:49 UTC  

> @Dinglesplat I really hope kanye made a difference on that stage, and people didn't just brush him off as crazy kanye
@newt-gecko-goat I brushed it off initially

2020-11-07 03:18:58 UTC  

This is a theory:What if the media writes off Kanye as Crazy so that no one will vote for him but he actually is not crazy

2020-11-07 03:18:59 UTC  

Lol yeah I'm joking I like old people

2020-11-07 03:19:11 UTC  

Anyone interested in reading the patent on the digitalized watermarks?

2020-11-07 03:19:28 UTC  

> Counties in 22 states have voter registration higher than 100% <:KEK:726877368601411624>
@Mcgoober yikes

2020-11-07 03:19:29 UTC  


2020-11-07 03:19:33 UTC  

Yes please share the patent

2020-11-07 03:19:38 UTC  

> @Vikdudu23 BLM used to be a justifiable organization
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) no, it never was. It was and always is an attention grabber based on lies. They lie about how and why these criminals are dying, and especially how frequently

2020-11-07 03:19:50 UTC  

Although I don't believe the watermark story.

2020-11-07 03:19:58 UTC  

> @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) no, it never was. It was and always is an attention grabber based on lies. They lie about how and why these criminals are dying, and especially how frequently
@newt-gecko-goat in fact, trump got a lot more black votes this year cause of it

2020-11-07 03:20:00 UTC  

I'm sorry but Waternarks arent a thing

2020-11-07 03:20:21 UTC  

Even white people have died from police shooting but they do not say WLM

2020-11-07 03:20:29 UTC  

BLM actually called for the murders of innocent white police officers in 2010-2012

2020-11-07 03:20:32 UTC  

Yall... Today is a good day.
I made 3 whole large ass lasagnas.
Its a massively good day. My ass is like garfield. Lol.

2020-11-07 03:20:38 UTC  

> @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) no, it never was. It was and always is an attention grabber based on lies. They lie about how and why these criminals are dying, and especially how frequently
@newt-gecko-goat And the co-founder was involved child trafficking, right

2020-11-07 03:20:53 UTC  

> BLM actually called for the murders of innocent white police officers in 2010-2012
@newt-gecko-goat i dont doubt that at all

2020-11-07 03:20:59 UTC  

> @newt-gecko-goat And the co-founder was involved child trafficking, right
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) not sure about that

2020-11-07 03:21:04 UTC  

White lives don't matter duh

2020-11-07 03:21:14 UTC  

> Even white people have died from police shooting but they do not say WLM
Because saying white pride or white lives matter is RAAAAAACISSSST

2020-11-07 03:21:14 UTC  

These are the people who called "Poor Boys" white supremacist.

2020-11-07 03:21:23 UTC  

> @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) not sure about that
@newt-gecko-goat I think I saw it on Crowder or Shapiro, but I'm not sure

2020-11-07 03:21:34 UTC  

We need the proud boys now more than ever