Message from @SpaceDandyJoestarGG

Discord ID: 774474447087337532

2020-11-07 03:22:44 UTC  

Biden did astonishingly well with the 105-125 year old age group and the media isn't even talking about it. He got 100% of the vote.

2020-11-07 03:22:58 UTC  

just scroll up a little bit it's in general

2020-11-07 03:22:59 UTC  

Mostly peaceful incitements of violence.

2020-11-07 03:22:59 UTC  

> @BecnPat29 It does not mean if they are black,they are not racist but the leader himself denounce white supremacy.
Exactly. But according to blm "black folks cant be racist". Im just playing by their weird ass rules.πŸ˜‚

2020-11-07 03:23:04 UTC  

Remember the blm terrorist that gunned down like 5 cops in texas a few years ago

2020-11-07 03:23:16 UTC  

> We need the proud boys now more than ever
@ElCalafate Can someone help point me to some evidence that the Pride Boys aren't a murderous, bigoted, facist group? I have a close friend who is extremely worried, and I'd like to re-assure her that she'll be ok

2020-11-07 03:23:34 UTC  

Yes but those of us protesting in phoenix and carrying rifles are a "mob trying to intimate election officials" according to rachel maddow

2020-11-07 03:23:41 UTC  


2020-11-07 03:23:41 UTC  

The poor boys-Joe Biden

2020-11-07 03:23:47 UTC  

> @newt-gecko-goat i think blm has incited violence against police more than ever
@ilose26 🐧 recently against black cops. Seeing white liberal women calling black cops racial slurs brings shame to me

2020-11-07 03:23:50 UTC  

Proud boys are literally middle aged dads that like beating up commies and going to bars

2020-11-07 03:23:51 UTC  

well have you found any evidence of such accusations?

2020-11-07 03:24:03 UTC  

**Abstract:** A voting system can use the security of blockchain and the mail to provide a reliable voting system. A registered voter receives a computer readable code in the mail and confirms identity and confirms correct ballot information in an election. The system separates voter identification and votes to ensure vote anonymity, and stores votes on a distributed ledger in a blockchain.

2020-11-07 03:24:03 UTC  

@( ΰ²  ΝœΚ–ΰ²°ΰ³ƒ) did you mean the poor boys?

2020-11-07 03:24:08 UTC  

Poor kids are as talented as white kids so it would make sense for him to say that

2020-11-07 03:24:13 UTC  

> @ElCalafate Can someone help point me to some evidence that the Pride Boys aren't a murderous, bigoted, facist group? I have a close friend who is extremely worried, and I'd like to re-assuee her that she'll be ok
@( ΰ²  ΝœΚ–ΰ²°ΰ³ƒ)
The fact that theyre literally just patriots who love america and includ gay folks,trans,etc. White black whatever.
They dgaff.

2020-11-07 03:24:16 UTC  

> @ElCalafate Can someone help point me to some evidence that the Pride Boys aren't a murderous, bigoted, facist group? I have a close friend who is extremely worried, and I'd like to re-assuee her that she'll be ok
@( ΰ²  ΝœΚ–ΰ²°ΰ³ƒ)

Can you point me to evidence that they are? And the young turks isn't a valid source.

2020-11-07 03:24:25 UTC  

> Proud boys are literally middle aged dads that like beating up commies and going to bars
@Mcgoober wrong. Please don't make up narrative. Get the facts from them

2020-11-07 03:24:51 UTC  

i stand firm in my belief that cenk is a weirdo

2020-11-07 03:24:57 UTC  

Again poor boys

2020-11-07 03:24:57 UTC  

> @( ΰ²  ΝœΚ–ΰ²°ΰ³ƒ)
> Can you point me to evidence that they are? And the young turks isn't a valid source.
@ElCalafate I don't have evidence for either side, but I want to help my friend feel safe

2020-11-07 03:25:06 UTC  

> Proud boys are literally middle aged dads that like beating up commies and going to bars
@Mcgoober you need a time out.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’€

2020-11-07 03:25:31 UTC  

Why are you booing me I'm right

2020-11-07 03:25:32 UTC  

> Again poor boys
No bidens allowed.πŸ˜‚

2020-11-07 03:25:34 UTC  

Joe Biden:Once you go black,you will nvr become Republican

2020-11-07 03:25:40 UTC  

> @Mcgoober you need a time out.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’€
@BecnPat29 totally

2020-11-07 03:25:47 UTC  

Well also for one the leader of the proud boys is a Latino so that doesn't make them racist, or Fascist

2020-11-07 03:26:02 UTC  

> Joe Biden:Once you go black,you will nvr become Republican
@Vikdudu23 you need a time OOOOUT!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’€

2020-11-07 03:26:05 UTC  

If you're going to make a claim, you should have evidence to support that claim. We learned after then kavanaugh hearings that you can't make shit up and be worried about it with absolutely no evidence. I don't have to show evidence proving your claim is false when you can't back up your claim with evidence

2020-11-07 03:26:10 UTC  

Idk mexico had some fucking brutal fascist rulers a few times apparently

2020-11-07 03:26:26 UTC  

> Well also for one the leader of the proud boys is a Latino so that doesn't make them racist, or Fascist
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG a black cuban. They covered like all the minority all at once. Also that's just one chapter

2020-11-07 03:26:26 UTC  

Of course it was before fascist was a word so it was called something else

2020-11-07 03:26:36 UTC  

Hi how is everyone’s day ?

2020-11-07 03:26:45 UTC  

Good hbu hunter biden

2020-11-07 03:26:48 UTC  

> Of course it was before fascist was a word so it was called something else
Now i wanna know what it was called. Lol

2020-11-07 03:26:55 UTC  

As of these days its everyone is guilty before innocent

2020-11-07 03:26:58 UTC  

> If you're going to make a claim, you should have evidence to support that claim. We learned after then kavanaugh hearings that you can't make shit up and be worried about it with absolutely no evidence. I don't have to show evidence proving your claim is false when you can't back up your claim with evidence
@ElCalafate That's why I'm asking you guys, all I've been able to find is that it is an extremist violent group that targets Females and lgbtq

2020-11-07 03:27:12 UTC  

> Good hbu hunter biden
@Mcgoober my dad got pissed off at me because of the computer thing

2020-11-07 03:27:13 UTC  

There's literally a female version of proud boys<:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-07 03:27:28 UTC  

> @ElCalafate That's why I'm asking you guys, all I've been able to find is that it is an extremist violent group that targets Females and lgbtq
@( ΰ²  ΝœΚ–ΰ²°ΰ³ƒ) go to their website