Message from @j a y d e n

Discord ID: 774691566953824256

2020-11-07 17:46:37 UTC  

> Trump won
@cptunicorn Yep, but my friends keep saying "Biden won." and I am too freaked out and anxious to know who to believe..

2020-11-07 17:46:42 UTC  


2020-11-07 17:46:43 UTC  

> Fox was the Impostor
@xirxes oh hell

2020-11-07 17:46:45 UTC  

> Well I know for sure I'll never be a weird guy who dates really young women. They look so stupid....
@newt-gecko-goat But they're hot

2020-11-07 17:46:59 UTC  

> Guys don’t go acting like Antifa now
@|||||Lexi||||| Antifa? what gave you the idea that we're communist marxist?

2020-11-07 17:47:02 UTC  

@Error 404 What you just said about candace becoming president may be the most brilliant idea to come out of all of this, she would be great

2020-11-07 17:47:03 UTC  

friend sent me a gif of herself twerking to biden winning <:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247>

2020-11-07 17:47:04 UTC  

> Guys don’t go acting like Antifa now
@|||||Lexi||||| They're going to continue to riot when they don't get their way. Republicans will still control 2 out of the 3 branches.

2020-11-07 17:47:06 UTC  

just start saying Trump Won! could spread like wild fire

2020-11-07 17:47:06 UTC  

Gah shes like "you cant trust youtubers"

2020-11-07 17:47:06 UTC  

Are we just not gonna talk about the watermarked ballots tho? Didn’t Q drop something?

2020-11-07 17:47:06 UTC  

> @cptunicorn Yep, but my friends keep saying "Biden won." and I am too freaked out and anxious to know who to believe..
@~D J~ believe Trump.

2020-11-07 17:47:07 UTC  

@DoctorForesight this isn’t a morality contest

2020-11-07 17:47:10 UTC  

@<invalid> hopefully he does

2020-11-07 17:47:10 UTC  

Orange man still got a few tricks up his hamburger stained sleeves i think

2020-11-07 17:47:18 UTC  

> @cptunicorn Yep, but my friends keep saying "Biden won." and I am too freaked out and anxious to know who to believe..
@~D J~ if Trump concedes then biden won

2020-11-07 17:47:29 UTC  

Technically, right now, no one won. Biden unfairly is the projected winner, and Trump is taking it to court. Its a waiting game now, and nobody should make assumptions. 👍

2020-11-07 17:47:33 UTC  

> Guys don’t go acting like Antifa now
@|||||Lexi||||| nah, we're not that big of losers

2020-11-07 17:47:36 UTC  

> @Error 404 What you just said about candace becoming president may be the most brilliant idea to come out of all of this, she would be great
@Lewis for real I love Candace she’s fierce but still a lady. Really someone to admire

2020-11-07 17:47:38 UTC  

> Orange man still got a few tricks up his hamburger stained sleeves i think
@Mcgoober I don't think hes giving up. They called bush the winner and they fought it in court until dec 15th

2020-11-07 17:47:42 UTC  

> Orange man still got a few tricks up his hamburger stained sleeves i think
@Mcgoober the man has eaten every form of fast food around, he has immense power. There is no way he loses

2020-11-07 17:47:42 UTC  

> @newt-gecko-goat But they're hot
@DoctorForesight not if they are leftists

2020-11-07 17:47:53 UTC  

What if Joe Biden Dieded.

2020-11-07 17:48:03 UTC  

Biden is too scared to get his hands dirty unless it’s some kid idk I’m Asian

2020-11-07 17:48:05 UTC  

So who wants love tonight

2020-11-07 17:48:10 UTC  


2020-11-07 17:48:15 UTC  

> What if Joe Biden Dieded.
@<invalid> that'll happen when joe biden forgot he existed

2020-11-07 17:48:15 UTC  

> What if Joe Biden Dieded.
@<invalid> doesnt really matter, hes gonna be replaced anyway

2020-11-07 17:48:16 UTC  

> What if Joe Biden Dieded.
@<invalid> he will and kamala will be pres

2020-11-07 17:48:17 UTC  

Ya'll have faith in Pres Cheeto, he's a business man still he knows how to negotiate

2020-11-07 17:48:17 UTC  

> @DoctorForesight not if they are leftists
@newt-gecko-goat agreed whats with their piercings

2020-11-07 17:48:21 UTC  

When was the last time you've seen Trump give up on anything?

2020-11-07 17:48:25 UTC  

@Error 404 She may be more likely to win a popular vote too, trump is great and all but we all know he could be a little more professional, candace would fit right in

2020-11-07 17:48:25 UTC  

> What if Joe Biden Dieded.
@<invalid> they’d find a way to blame Trump

2020-11-07 17:48:26 UTC  

> What if Joe Biden Dieded.
@<invalid> oh he will. Prolly suicided by Clinton’s or Kamala

2020-11-07 17:48:28 UTC  

does anyone know what is on Hunter Bidens Laptop?

2020-11-07 17:48:30 UTC  

> What if Joe Biden Dieded.
@<invalid> Trump would win, but if he was in the office (if he where elected which he wont be) Kamala Harris would be President.

2020-11-07 17:48:31 UTC  

> When was the last time you've seen Trump give up on anything?like never

2020-11-07 17:48:39 UTC  

i wonder whats Trumps favorite food?Freedom Burgers with a side liberal tears shake ?

2020-11-07 17:48:46 UTC  

> @Error 404 She may be more likely to win a popular vote too, trump is great and all but we all know he could be a little more professional, candace would fit right in
@Lewis yeah Candace is a bit more compose but I still love our president 😅

2020-11-07 17:48:59 UTC  

> does anyone know what is on Hunter Bidens Laptop?
@<invalid> Bible 2 release date