Message from @aanico

Discord ID: 774769989739085844

2020-11-07 22:54:09 UTC  


2020-11-07 22:54:25 UTC  

good, good

2020-11-07 22:54:37 UTC  

> @|||||Lexi||||| Literally any other party is better than the labour party they'd be having us take unconscious biased tests and taking the knee at every oppurtunity
@Lewis I can understand what you mean tho, Boris is just dumb right now. You need a British Trump

2020-11-07 22:54:39 UTC  


2020-11-07 22:54:43 UTC  

@ElCalafate I know that this election has been a complete sham, and the guy's doing all he can. But he really shouldn't tweet things like that... It just makes it worse for him. 😕

If I had to give him advice, I'd say he should stay out of twitter for now, calm down, and just continue with the lawsuits.

Him tweeting things like this is exactly what the dems want.

2020-11-07 22:55:24 UTC  

He's gotta keep the base fired up. And this is how he does it

2020-11-07 22:55:24 UTC  

> @Lewis I can understand what you mean tho, Boris is just dumb right now. You need a British Trump
@|||||Lexi||||| I agree, tories have been all talk so far, we need action, maybe its farage, maybe its the BNP

2020-11-07 22:55:40 UTC  


2020-11-07 22:55:41 UTC  

Maybe its neither

2020-11-07 22:55:58 UTC  

There might be another party that comes along at some point who knows

2020-11-07 22:56:16 UTC  

Why are Trumpers so down??
It ain't over even if in the worst case scenario Trump leaves

2020-11-07 22:56:29 UTC  

It's not over you're damn right

2020-11-07 22:56:55 UTC  

> Why are Trumpers so down??
> It ain't over even if in the worst case scenario Trump leaves
@BantuWarrior scared of being wrong?

2020-11-07 22:56:58 UTC  

@BantuWarrior Probably see Trump next term after biden ruins things.

2020-11-07 22:57:14 UTC  

I don't envision any scenario in which trump voluntarily leaves the Whitehouse on January 20th.

2020-11-07 22:57:14 UTC  

If he is ousted

2020-11-07 22:58:08 UTC  

> @|||||Lexi||||| I agree, tories have been all talk so far, we need action, maybe its farage, maybe its the BNP
@Lewis They have the same problem in Australia. Lots of flakes in the conservative parties there. But there are some good choices, I think people need to find their own versions of Trump and see where that goes

2020-11-07 22:58:38 UTC  

> @Lewis They have the same problem in Australia. Lots of flakes in the conservative parties there. But there are some good choices, I think people need to find their own versions of Trump and see where that goes
@|||||Lexi||||| Australian trump would be awesome. Drain the swamp, mate!

2020-11-07 22:58:43 UTC  

That’s a bad look if he refuses to leave. Granted he needs to pursue the issues in court but he can’t act like a crazy person and barricade himself inside the WH. That will do way more harm than his silly tweets

2020-11-07 22:59:17 UTC  

> @|||||Lexi||||| Australian trump would be awesome. Drain the swamp, mate!
@FerretFondue What's the conservative party called there again. The Nats?

2020-11-07 22:59:20 UTC  

@ChavaAyanna ( USA ) <:9360_pixel_yes:726877001138569286>

2020-11-07 22:59:23 UTC  

@|||||Lexi||||| I mean boris is in favour of brexit but he needs to get it done he also congratulated biden and harris recently before we even have a definitive answer really all could change in the next few days

2020-11-07 22:59:25 UTC  

> @FerretFondue What's the conservative party called there again. The Nats?
@|||||Lexi||||| i have no clue tbh

2020-11-07 22:59:32 UTC  

> That’s a bad look if he refuses to leave. Granted he needs to pursue the issues in court but he can’t act like a crazy person and barricade himself inside the WH. That will do way more harm than his silly tweets
I doubt if he loses the court cases he would refuse to leave.

2020-11-07 22:59:38 UTC  

Hi all

2020-11-07 22:59:42 UTC  

hi hi

2020-11-07 22:59:45 UTC  

> @|||||Lexi||||| I mean boris is in favour of brexit but he needs to get it done he also congratulated biden and harris recently before we even have a definitive answer really all could change in the next few days
@Lewis What a prick

2020-11-07 22:59:46 UTC  

71 million people still voted for him. When Bush left office, the republicans were almost finished, Iraq war vibes made them unpopular, Dems took control of both the house and the senate. Trump hasn't destroyed the republican party instead he has given it strength.
Economic Populism and the backlash against woke politics isn't going away anytime soon just like that

2020-11-07 23:00:28 UTC  

> @|||||Lexi||||| Australian trump would be awesome. Drain the swamp, mate!
@FerretFondue Absolutely yes, I like sky news Australia though theyve got their heads screwed on right, australia is becoming increasingly woke from what I've seen and its shite I wish them all the best I like the aussies

2020-11-07 23:00:42 UTC  

Trump was the only thing standing in the way. Now they talk about a list ? and how all blacks that supported him should burn, and latinos are brainwashed

2020-11-07 23:00:54 UTC  

I don't get the republican party in the US. They always have something stuck up their asses when they turn against Trump even though he fixed the entire image of the republican party

2020-11-07 23:00:59 UTC  

make no mistake. They are coming after you,

2020-11-07 23:01:21 UTC  

> @FerretFondue Absolutely yes, I like sky news Australia though theyve got their heads screwed on right, australia is becoming increasingly woke from what I've seen and its shite I wish them all the best I like the aussies
@Lewis same, i spent a year abroad in australia, was a leftie back then but it's a great country. wish them the best, may they get their own trump. and yeah sky news definitely better than cnn and the lot

2020-11-07 23:01:29 UTC  

They're saying cubanos aren't latinos anymore because of how much they supported trump. The left is so damn racist

2020-11-07 23:01:38 UTC  

Looks like trump supporters are gonna be on AOC's list... You don't want ATF to come to your house too.

2020-11-07 23:02:13 UTC  

> Looks like trump supporters are gonna be on AOC's list... You don't want ATF to come to your house too.
@Illuminattor She was on every New Yorker's list the moment she said no to 25k jobs in Queens

2020-11-07 23:02:15 UTC  

@Illuminattor mate we bought all the afts lel

2020-11-07 23:02:22 UTC  

She's gotta be careful with this little list thing she's doing.

2020-11-07 23:02:25 UTC  

> They're saying cubanos aren't latinos anymore because of how much they supported trump. The left is so damn racist
@ElCalafate and you aint know the rest

2020-11-07 23:02:31 UTC  

...again, all of your wild doomer theories require the fraud coverup to last 72 days until inauguration day.

not my kind of odds.

2020-11-07 23:02:35 UTC  

Trump has also kept through most of his promises, filled the courts with conservative judges that could have far reaching consequences decades into the future and exposed the Globalist scum
I am personally delighted regardless of how the end will be