Message from @Identity crisis the plane

Discord ID: 774959717835079690

2020-11-08 11:26:03 UTC  

Trump will win 😆

2020-11-08 11:26:20 UTC  

Imagine celebrating before its official.

2020-11-08 11:26:33 UTC  

I'm losing hope even though I know biden cheated

2020-11-08 11:26:49 UTC  

The courts will make shit reaalalll hars for biden

2020-11-08 11:27:16 UTC  

can't wait for new wars

2020-11-08 11:27:26 UTC  

its not a personal bias is simply unconstitutional has nothing to do with trump

2020-11-08 11:28:31 UTC  

> I'm losing hope even though I know biden cheated
@Identity crisis the plane Never let them take your hope, there's always other ways

2020-11-08 11:28:41 UTC  

Alright you are missing the point

2020-11-08 11:28:59 UTC  

I posted a meme I just made on general-2 and election memes channels. Maybe Tyler will show it in his videos. Hehe

2020-11-08 11:29:20 UTC  

I'm surrounded by people telling me I'm just salty that biden won

2020-11-08 11:29:40 UTC  


2020-11-08 11:30:22 UTC  

I cant debate people because they deflect with the "your just mad" deflect

2020-11-08 11:30:25 UTC  

People are saying things like “trump supporters are saying they’d leave the country. So you support immigration when it’s you.”

2020-11-08 11:30:43 UTC  

I bet liberals find mayonnaise spicy

2020-11-08 11:31:50 UTC  

Liberals find their mom spicy <:Brainlet:752612764287238240>

2020-11-08 11:32:10 UTC  

> I cant debate people because they deflect with the "your just mad" deflect
@Identity crisis the plane Yeah, it's hard. They're good at using emotion but you have to put it in their court like "What policies of Biden do you like the best?" Or whatever the case might be and you won't even convince them in a "sitting" but it plants that seed

2020-11-08 11:32:14 UTC  

We'll see whose salty after the Supreme Court declares the election has had too much fraud, and state electoral representatives are gonna make the decision, and since Republicans have more states, they'll declare Trump the winner.
They'll be weeping and screaming in the street, and then shortly thereafter begin to burn down their own Democrat run cities.

2020-11-08 11:32:29 UTC  

<:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065> <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065> <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>

2020-11-08 11:32:48 UTC  

> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065> <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065> <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>
@black cyborg Jubei the drama class

2020-11-08 11:32:57 UTC  

the democrats wanting to pack the courts and the trump election lawsuit don't have any correlation, I don't see how one would affect the other.

2020-11-08 11:33:14 UTC  

@Dark when I show my evidence of voter fraud they disregard it and don't acknowledge what I am saying

2020-11-08 11:33:20 UTC  

Thinks that give me hope are things like #walkaway, like super exciting to see the increasing reach in voting ya know like, folks that felt sidelined (because really they were) but now being brought into the fold

2020-11-08 11:33:57 UTC  

> @Dark when I show my evidence of voter fraud they disregard it and don't acknowledge what I am saying
@Identity crisis the plane Oh then it's like "If there was fraud should we investigate or do you not care simply because it is Trump?"

2020-11-08 11:34:24 UTC  

@Identity crisis the plane That's what they were trained to do..... "Remember your training soldier! Deflect, deny, and directly attack them!"

2020-11-08 11:34:31 UTC  

> We'll see whose salty after the Supreme Court declares the election has had too much fraud, and state electoral representatives are gonna make the decision, and since Republicans have more states, they'll declare Trump the winner.
> They'll be weeping and screaming in the street, and then shortly thereafter begin to burn down their own Democrat run cities.
@Space_Lettuce_OG don't be delusional all of this will not happen, as the supreme court won't rule in Trump's favour without proof of Election malpractice which he doesn't have

2020-11-08 11:34:31 UTC  

Most will, sadly, say they do not care. But at least you got them to acknowledge there's literally no point in discussing at that point right?

2020-11-08 11:34:42 UTC  

I just don't even try

2020-11-08 11:35:51 UTC  

How do you think Democrats would react if fraud is verified?

2020-11-08 11:36:17 UTC  

@lilgbengs yet people seem to assum the supreme court is just gonna automatically rule in his favor now because >>> ACB <<<

2020-11-08 11:36:29 UTC  

@lilgbengs He most certainly does. The election software that had the "glitch" is used in over 30 states, including all the battleground states. That evidence alone is more important than all other evidence combined.
Silly Leftist.

2020-11-08 11:36:48 UTC  

> How do you think Democrats would react if fraud is verified?
@Noracax how can fraud be verified, ask yrself that question, How!

2020-11-08 11:38:14 UTC  

> @lilgbengs He most certainly does. The election software that had the "glitch" is used in over 30 states, including all the battleground states. That evidence alone is more important than all other evidence combined.
> Silly Leftist.
@Space_Lettuce_OG I laugh, I have already accepted that he has lost u all should also accept that, How can it be verified that dead people voted?

2020-11-08 11:38:15 UTC  

@lilgbengs lets be honest if the Supreme Court does rule this to be fraud the Dems will still proclaim he stole yet another election.

2020-11-08 11:38:26 UTC  

> How do you think Democrats would react if fraud is verified?
@Noracax Justified in the use of removing the "fascist"

2020-11-08 11:39:09 UTC  

The left will own all the Nike shoes in the country if Trump is elected

2020-11-08 11:39:16 UTC  

> @Space_Lettuce_OG I laugh, I have already accepted that he has lost u all should also accept that, How can it be verified that dead people voted?
@lilgbengs Classic leftist. Deny or deflect. Change the subject. Do whatever you have to do to reject truth, when confronted it. You have been brainwashed well.

2020-11-08 11:39:26 UTC  


2020-11-08 11:39:51 UTC  

Laugh while you can. I'll get my cup ready for all those salty tears

2020-11-08 11:39:56 UTC  

> @lilgbengs Classic leftist. Deny or deflect. Change the subject. Do whatever you have to do to reject truth, when confronted it. You have been brainwashed well.
@Space_Lettuce_OG True. This is the real battle imo, no more rolling over.

2020-11-08 11:39:59 UTC  

Well at least after the supreme court rules against Trump at least u all will then accept that he has lost right! Its over, nothing can be done, I am also pained that he lost cz am a big supporter but it is what it is

2020-11-08 11:40:54 UTC  

If the election was fair we'd accept it, but it wasn't, so.... Ya.....