Message from @SubtleSara
Discord ID: 775179174209388544
I suggest everyone start acting mature
He just is
Thr ban hammer strrrrrikes again
this shouldn’t be the funny place
well i'm off to a new chat thats a bit less contested for talking
there are places for that
Yeah this is serious times rn
Nothing is serious, we have to wait until the evidence is presented (Which it has been flowing in) and we need the courts to decide how to end this with a Victory.
they will give trump his victory ezpz
I have no doubts.
> they will give trump his victory ezpz
@GotatoChi doubt it they'll make it as hard as possible
doubt all you want
i speak the truth
3, kick, ban.
i don't want to doubt but...
trust me
i am always right
except sometimes
@ThiccTomato hi
now everyone gonna spam the warnlog
Don’t spam with warn logs
That Tomato is kinda thicc
I was just checking
ive been warned before but cool it was removed
Hey @Lucario
You don't tell the adults how to admin! lol
> ive been warned before but cool it was removed
@Suspected Kyle I used a Spanish joke, I got warned, just follow the rules!
> @Suspected Kyle I used a Spanish joke, I got warned, just follow the rules!
@SubtleSara i posted a meme in gen with a bad bad word
Don't use bad bad words!
Fudge you
I got a warn once