Message from @Sean Mittal, Press Secretary
Discord ID: 775306009454968843
I wanted Hilary to win in 2016
Although in 2016 I was 12
My dad said trump is good in 2016 so i believed him
My views for sure changed when I started watching people like Brandon Tatum, Zeducation, Liberal Hivemind
Then i did research on my own and find out how creepy joe is
Oh yea
The dude running for the senate
Don’t worry, Uncle Joe has been in the Senate for 180 years
I don’t go to 4chan a lot lol
4chan kinda sucks idk
I went to 4chan twice in my entire life
Yo, anyone here live in California?
I do
So that’s why you were a Democrat @Tails
Yea lol
I share the pain 😦
I remember being scared in the class when my teachers were talking about the election
I hope we can one day outnumber the left.
We do
Not in California.
California used to be a red state
Sad times
We need a local Donald Trump in California.
I'll step up to be that man
I would also love to try running one day, but I have little political instinct or charisma.
Prob same
Not feeling cocky rn
I have to fix my own life before I move on to others.