Message from @Chet

Discord ID: 775354259520618526

2020-11-09 13:35:39 UTC  

well... true trump did interrupt more

2020-11-09 13:35:50 UTC  

he was okay in the 2nd debate

2020-11-09 13:36:31 UTC  

I mean you can't really blame him the left has been beating on him for 4 years

2020-11-09 13:36:37 UTC  

But yes that probably would have went off better for him

2020-11-09 13:36:43 UTC  

Instead ya know Biden is like "back to normal" and Trump is like "jump at throat" which sure, we the like base who already is sold enjoys but doesn't sway middle people

2020-11-09 13:36:43 UTC  

but he's always pulled through

2020-11-09 13:37:04 UTC  

But does the middle want to have to wear mask and get locked back down?

2020-11-09 13:37:06 UTC  

I don't think people care about "procedure" in terms of the every day guy

2020-11-09 13:37:52 UTC  

trump made the mistake of arguing with the host than biden

2020-11-09 13:38:23 UTC  

i kinda think what JRB said is kinda true

2020-11-09 13:39:11 UTC  

> But does the middle want to have to wear mask and get locked back down?
@SomeSouthernGuy I think people want normal and see Biden as a way of fixing the 'divide' and calming things down

2020-11-09 13:39:21 UTC  

But under the lefts control America is in for a very bumpy ride

2020-11-09 13:39:26 UTC  

I wouldnt blame him snapping back at chris wallace (dude's a hack) especially with the 'proud boys denouncing'

2020-11-09 13:39:47 UTC  

> But under the lefts control America is in for a very bumpy ride
@SomeSouthernGuy Hence why people voted Biden, but then voted Republican for senate/house in many cases

2020-11-09 13:39:53 UTC  

> @SomeSouthernGuy I think people want normal and see Biden as a way of fixing the 'divide' and calming things down
@Dark oh I definitely get that I just don't think biden's going to provide it

2020-11-09 13:40:10 UTC  

What happens if biden dies before the inauguration?

2020-11-09 13:40:14 UTC  

@SomeSouthernGuy Totally fair but yeah I think that's what they believe

2020-11-09 13:40:32 UTC  

But she didnt run for president...

2020-11-09 13:40:39 UTC  

are we really expecting biden to go that early lmao

2020-11-09 13:40:50 UTC  

> and Trump is already a softcore fascist
@Doctor Pepper, the First Propaganda my friend, what is some proof?

2020-11-09 13:41:00 UTC  

She isnt vice president yet so does it count?

2020-11-09 13:41:19 UTC  

illegal ones tho

2020-11-09 13:41:24 UTC  

> @Dark delegitimizing votes
@Doctor Pepper, the First Following the law is being fascist ?

2020-11-09 13:41:35 UTC  

um, theyre illegal??

2020-11-09 13:41:43 UTC  

DUDE i got beef jerky life is complete let's goo

2020-11-09 13:42:01 UTC  

if he was fascist he’d try to kill the opposition...

2020-11-09 13:42:13 UTC  

Yes beef jerky is all you need 😋

2020-11-09 13:42:19 UTC  

by the media, sure, debunked if you will

2020-11-09 13:42:40 UTC  

at this point, there are only a few sources we could trust

2020-11-09 13:42:50 UTC  

Again, how so?

2020-11-09 13:42:52 UTC  

> that's been debunked
@Doctor Pepper, the First theres lots of proof of voter fraud there’s videos and people who work at these places coming out about it

2020-11-09 13:43:01 UTC what’s the deal the fracking?

2020-11-09 13:43:35 UTC  

> Coronavirus
@Doctor Pepper, the First no world leader had complete control of the situation so i wouldnt put it past him

2020-11-09 13:43:43 UTC  

Yes cause trump said the virus is a hoax....<:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-09 13:43:50 UTC  

Transparency...what’s the deal with blocking poll workers?

2020-11-09 13:44:18 UTC  

natural selection

2020-11-09 13:44:20 UTC  

Then they deserved to die

2020-11-09 13:44:22 UTC  

Yeah I did too I totally thought he was serious.....

2020-11-09 13:44:36 UTC  

That was one of his worse moments though

2020-11-09 13:44:52 UTC  

Yeaaa if you really did that you’re kinda dumb like idk how that even sounds like a good idea

2020-11-09 13:45:07 UTC  

Ok but that doesn't prove the statement of him being not transparent or a fascist