Message from @DirtyBird
Discord ID: 775912866142355466
that professor looking thicc
🥐 🇫🇷 someone do the laugh
no homo
> Honhonhon
@Mcgoober thank you
No, The person who posted it was literally not involved in the conversation until that point, and like I have to say about 10 times a day, just because a subject as mentioned does not mean we need a video about it.
Y'all are all over the place tonight
People who are less than 80% freckle suck
picking your freckles like a scab ❤️
What kinda freckles u got there buddy
juicy orange ones
> People who are less than 80% freckle suck
@Mcgoober that is not very inclusive of you >:(
But it's true
please stop being birthmarkphobic guys
freckle supremecy
Apparently my freckles make me look cute so stay mad non freckle people
its a rick roll
dont fall for it
My girl has freckles
it is not
but good idea
Freckle people need love too
posted something really interesting in <#767200564970520576>
So how about Fox News sticking a shotgun in their mouth and pulling the trigger? ehehehe
@SubtleSara i mean its no budd dwyer but
*HOW DARE* they turn off the Kmac!
budd dwyer
nobody will get that reference
> So how about Fox News sticking a shotgun in their mouth and pulling the trigger? ehehehe
@SubtleSara got to keep the money flow bruh
Fox News
> @SubtleSara got to keep the money flow bruh
@Yung Billy Gates It's Ma'am to you, and they let the left buy Fox News, now the conversion process begins. lol
Faux news still got some potential