Message from @AutisticOtaku789
Discord ID: 776391730097422347
But they're wrong though
As in the landscape
> But they're wrong though
@Sean Mittal, Press Secretary of course
A huge majority of us love Trump
I just need to grow a Sakura tree and create the perfect garden
> A huge majority of us love Trump
@Sean Mittal, Press Secretary don’t let the mainstream media brainwash you. Keep it up, Brits! 👍
The wording of the question confuses me
Doesn't mean he's perfect and hasn't done things that made me unhappy *Bump Stocks*
speaking of brits i haven't brushed my teeth yet
Sakura trees are so pretty
I will still support Trump hopefully so he may fight for gun rights for real in his second term
cherry blossom trees
i thought trump lost the election tho
sakura's are cherry blossom trees right
> i thought trump lost the election tho
@Simpnautica trump 2024
Sakura is the Japanese name for them
He's not conceding, and is working to uncover voter fraud
> Sakura is the Japanese name for them
@AutisticOtaku789 are you really into gardening
> @Simpnautica trump 2024
@hii oh they can get re-elected again?
But I wish I was
The election is not over no one has won YET
i mean it's safe to assume that trump has lost though
> @hii oh they can get re-elected again?
@Simpnautica yeah presidents can serve two terms
oh so they don't have to be consecutive
you think trump will run again?
Unfortunately I do not have the ability to do such a thing as gardening
> Unfortunately I do not have the ability to do such a thing as gardening
> @AutisticOtaku789 why not?
> you think trump will run again?
@Simpnautica possibly
If he is not showing the signs of aging like Biden, he will likely run again.
Time,money,space and such
> Time,money,space and such
@AutisticOtaku789 you can have indoor potted plants. they don't cost much and take up very little space
My siblings would destroy them
> My siblings would destroy them
@AutisticOtaku789 oh well that sucks
That's life
@AutisticOtaku789 i've always wanted to have a venus flytrap or a codariocalyx motorius (it actually dances to music)
That's cool
i think it's late, i'm gonna go
see ya. Since your in the uk, good morning