Message from @Simpnautica

Discord ID: 776857742098300938

2020-11-13 17:07:41 UTC  

Didn't know there was one in some places

2020-11-13 17:07:42 UTC  


2020-11-13 17:08:15 UTC  

You can't reason with Commies only free helicopter rides will solve the issue

2020-11-13 17:09:27 UTC  


2020-11-13 17:10:02 UTC  

I thoroughly believe in freedom of speech, even if a commie or a Nazi speaks. After all, as long as they **only** get to speak, we shouldn’t worry, right? Right? **Right?**

2020-11-13 17:10:54 UTC  

Free speech is a good thing

2020-11-13 17:11:56 UTC  

but, doing such things such as being an Commie Insurrectionist is bad though. The more we ignore it the worse it gets.

2020-11-13 17:11:58 UTC  

> I thoroughly believe in freedom of speech, even if a commie or a Nazi speaks. After all, as long as they **only** get to speak, we shouldn’t worry, right? Right? **Right?**
@LuckyPuffy Yeah and that's the point of free speech

2020-11-13 17:12:38 UTC  

Exactly! Freedom of speech protects unpopular and against the status quo opinions.

2020-11-13 17:12:47 UTC  

Freedom of speech encourages change.

2020-11-13 17:13:02 UTC  

Communists always like to talk about change, but change can only be done by debate!

2020-11-13 17:13:26 UTC  

or by doing it violently

2020-11-13 17:13:42 UTC  

i mean i'm not wrong

2020-11-13 17:13:46 UTC  

By sabotaging elections and literally talking about hunting down wrongthink

2020-11-13 17:13:54 UTC  

significant changes in history are done with violence

2020-11-13 17:14:06 UTC  

> significant changes in history are done with violence
@Simpnautica nope not true

2020-11-13 17:14:20 UTC  


2020-11-13 17:14:21 UTC  

Change happens because it eventually has to happen.

2020-11-13 17:14:35 UTC  

1776 wasn't done peacefully was it

2020-11-13 17:14:48 UTC  


2020-11-13 17:15:19 UTC  

literally every year you look upon there was a point of violence which made change

2020-11-13 17:15:20 UTC  

You resort to violence only when there is no freedom

2020-11-13 17:15:34 UTC  

not true?

2020-11-13 17:15:46 UTC  

These sick fucks are trying to lock us down and force Vaccinate us

2020-11-13 17:15:58 UTC  

Literal 1984/Brave New World Tyranny

2020-11-13 17:16:16 UTC  

Vaccination is a good thing though, protects people from diseases.

2020-11-13 17:16:33 UTC  


2020-11-13 17:16:34 UTC  

Vaccination is good when some sick psychopaths don’t try to force it.

2020-11-13 17:16:38 UTC  

Sure there are points of violence in history but when you have achieved peace violence is mostly unecessary

2020-11-13 17:16:48 UTC

2020-11-13 17:16:56 UTC  

I want to choose if I want to have the vaccine or not. That’s why I’m a human being after all.

2020-11-13 17:17:04 UTC  

As a human, I can **choose!**

2020-11-13 17:17:17 UTC  

You take all the shots you want. I'm doing just fine over here.

2020-11-13 17:17:26 UTC  

> As a human, I can **choose!**
@LuckyPuffy Only if you live in a free country

2020-11-13 17:17:34 UTC  

True that.

2020-11-13 17:17:35 UTC  

but, if your freewill endangers another individual is it truly free will?

2020-11-13 17:17:36 UTC  

> Sure there are points of violence in history but when you have achieved peace violence is mostly unecessary
@christhebest well i mean peace only comes when everyone has the thing they want so

2020-11-13 17:17:41 UTC  

never will happen

2020-11-13 17:17:47 UTC  

or an act of violence

2020-11-13 17:18:57 UTC  

Could someone send me some videos proving voter fraud? It seems hard to find on youtube

2020-11-13 17:19:02 UTC  

Vaccines saves lives and should be mandatory, if not you might end up killing an individual or more with that freewill.