Message from @TheTasMaster

Discord ID: 776966651705950278

2020-11-14 00:14:31 UTC  

@Tex Theres still alot of 40 year old white dads

2020-11-14 00:15:07 UTC  

They keep new balance in business

2020-11-14 00:16:14 UTC  

I heard an example yesterday of the community in Appalachia which is very poor as they live in the mountains, 100% white. You don't change the law for a community with limited resources, shops and jobs. It's just the nature of the area as it's hard to get to and is a very small rural community away from the city. There are more reasons for disparity than capitalism being opressive and the left doesn't seem to get it

2020-11-14 00:17:22 UTC  

It's not to say that capitalism or race can't be the reason for disparity but often times there are more reasons as to why bad things happen that people don't want to acknowledge

2020-11-14 00:18:18 UTC  


2020-11-14 00:18:27 UTC  

Imagine being so narrow minded

2020-11-14 00:19:59 UTC  

Did you see USA today's article that said people who work from home should pay "Privilege Tax?"

2020-11-14 00:20:20 UTC  

That is the most retarded thing

2020-11-14 00:20:33 UTC  

I was floored.

2020-11-14 00:21:03 UTC  

Some people need to go to work because they physically cant do their jobs at home

2020-11-14 00:21:47 UTC  

I'm pretty sure if an engineer could weld a 50 ft frame together in his apartment they'd let him stay home but that isn't exactly how life works

2020-11-14 00:23:19 UTC  

Theres no way to track that

2020-11-14 00:23:26 UTC  

Exactly, apparently that tax would support people who couldn't work from home, but it's just the government being selfish.

2020-11-14 00:24:35 UTC  


2020-11-14 00:25:37 UTC  

Did you guys see that horrible stupid advertisement from ubereats?

2020-11-14 00:25:58 UTC  

They basically get a James Charles copy make him an acrobatic or something for the advertisement and then play to complete stereotypes of the homosexual community

2020-11-14 00:26:30 UTC  

Throat all of the gay people at my high school, and including myself, nobody gives a crap about dancing or makeup. And a majority of the people I talked to at my school who are gay, hate having to deal with such stupid advertisements

2020-11-14 00:27:07 UTC  

Either they're trying to make an appeal to the lgbtq + community, which is completely stupid. They're trying to sell their product in a strange and new way, which makes sense but it's still stupid how they decide to do it. Or they're mocking the homosexual community and using their advertisement as a way to spread hate

2020-11-14 00:27:23 UTC  

I'm guessing it's just another one of your stereotypical companies wanting to make a false appeal to the lgbtq community so they can get more money

2020-11-14 00:27:36 UTC  

That's not how capitalism should work. They should appeal to Everyday People not a specific Community that's how they should get their money

2020-11-14 00:28:05 UTC  

I totally agree.

2020-11-14 00:30:49 UTC  

I'm fully for capitalism, but they shouldn't be specifically trying to appeal to the lgbtq community just so that they can get political correctness points

2020-11-14 00:31:09 UTC  

If you're going to be selling your product to a specific community, in a capitalist country, it should be because you want to make money not because you want the media to look at you favorably

2020-11-14 00:31:48 UTC  

Meh they're just looking to penetrate into new markets, gay or otherwise. pun intended

2020-11-14 00:32:03 UTC  

I see that pun, and I give you credit for it

2020-11-14 00:32:45 UTC  

For example, don't try to sell a product to me because I'm gay, try to sell it to me because I'm Possible consumer.

2020-11-14 00:33:07 UTC  

My sexual orientation does not affect how I see a business, but if you're specifically making it about sexual orientation I'm more likely to buy a different product or take my business elsewhere. Because that's my right as the consumer

2020-11-14 00:33:18 UTC  

They also know which markets contain (typically) which types of people

2020-11-14 00:33:30 UTC  

The way I see it,

2020-11-14 00:34:02 UTC  

I don't want to have a company try and sell me a product because I'm gay, white, or anything like that. I want them to try and sell me a product because they want to make money, and it's possibly a product I'm interested in.

2020-11-14 00:34:13 UTC  

Not because they want political correctness points so they could easily try and sway the media or use their influence

2020-11-14 00:34:22 UTC  

I mean, I’m more likely to buy goya beans cause they back trump.

2020-11-14 00:34:38 UTC  

Here in Canada,

2020-11-14 00:34:41 UTC  

Not entirely what you are saying, but it does affect things a but I’m sure

2020-11-14 00:34:58 UTC  

We don't really have any major company that I know of that really makes themselves overly political unless it's on Twitter

2020-11-14 00:35:10 UTC  

Twitter is the place where companies are both born and died and where political correctness is monitored on a scale

2020-11-14 00:35:26 UTC  

Imagine if you would, if Twitter had a public policy of you having to make at least one politically correct statement a month or you get your account banned

2020-11-14 00:36:02 UTC  

Yeah I mean I'm with ya I don't like pandering either

2020-11-14 00:36:11 UTC  

> Imagine if you would, if Twitter had a public policy of you having to make at least one politically correct statement a month or you get your account banned
@Gene. Rod Sterling vibe in that line

2020-11-14 00:36:22 UTC  

At least then they would be open about it.

2020-11-14 00:36:30 UTC  

Personally I'd prefer companies stay outta politics and culture in general