Message from @DrewDaPilot
Discord ID: 777907763971489792
> i had an assignment to write about the american dream and i wrote about donald trump and i got a 0 cause my teacher liberal af
@Lukario yea.... I had that happen to me my first year in america.... I did a history report on how Hitler got Germany out of a depression and even stated in the first and last paragraphs that it did not mean he was by any means a good person
THIS close.
cause they quirky like that
I seriously feel sick
I wish people had more common sense when it comes to politics
I feel sick about this transgenderism english course this week
> @Lukario yea.... I had that happen to me my first year in america.... I did a history report on how Hitler got Germany out of a depression and even stated in the first and last paragraphs that it did not mean he was by any means a good person
@SnowWhite❄ Woah
I need to write a story about a tranny
Burn it
I thought writing is about creativity
Like just burn it up
lmao but that's just history hitler was never good but his followers thought he was
and the common sense thing goes for both sides
> I need to write a story about a tranny
@DrewDaPilot I can help if you want?
Blm: putting race and culture before you isn’t racist... meanwhile hitler 🤡😈
man why the fuck are schools like that
Oh take a shit on the teachers desk
im gonna make it super offensive
and if he gives me a bad grade
Blm: only some black lives matter
ill be like
I had one kid do that when I graduated
subjective grading
you better take that back retard
or im gonna get the fucking lawsuits piling up
Why are communitarian groups so cancerous
@InveniosYT what?
nah but my parents always defend me, even if they dont agree with me politically, they HATE when I get bad grades that teachers cant explain
Like both left and right
Are cancerous
> Why are communitarian groups so cancerous
because no food for you <:dogekek:726878872607653918>
the assignment doesn't say I have to be tolerant/accepting of transgenders
> Blm: putting race and culture before you isn’t racist... meanwhile hitler 🤡😈
@ial nosnah