Message from @ial nosnah
Discord ID: 777910617834913823
Imagine that.
I wish I could ask the person who wrote 10 genders what the 10 were
and the nuclear family
I guarantee they wouldn't be able to list them
lmao the nuclear family is the reason why no countries attack each other
And ya the nuclear family is being destroyed by liberals
that actually happened
some guy went on a news network with like a list of 100 genders
Also I like how trump offered to give citizenship to all the dreamers but the liberals denied
Why didn't that piss them off?
he couldn't explain basically all of them
They had an opportunity to get what they wanted
I mean it's scary because to destroy society you destroy the fundamental basic...which is the nuclear family.
But yet they still vote for the people who keep them imprisoned
Cause they are sheeple
> But yet they still vote for the people who keep them imprisoned
@DrewDaPilot Oh hey Kamala.
"BuT Fir St POC femAlE PrESidEnt!!!!"
She has an unimpressive track record.
Dude everything
I’m in the marine office working out lolw
You missed it all
I like how she started moving in her seat by the start of the pandemic.
I've checked her backgrounds and studf.
It’s all gone
Becoming an American
Marine corps???
Who the fuck put a crayon there
Hahahah has
He did ^ lol
Not me I can tell you that
This isn’t funny
Every minute
A marine ODs on green crayon