Message from @Swizzle

Discord ID: 779242032946085888

2020-11-20 07:07:00 UTC  

also thats my time

No Trump tried to make peace with NK

Obama was planning on a war with them

2020-11-20 07:07:19 UTC  

Trump is literally the most peaceful president we've had in years

2020-11-20 07:07:31 UTC  

says the guy whos source is cn fucking n

2020-11-20 07:07:41 UTC  

i couldnt agree more

2020-11-20 07:07:57 UTC  

Sage = fake news

Apart from that little incident assassinating Soleimani. I'm all for getting rid of terrorists but we still should follow proper procedure

2020-11-20 07:08:08 UTC  

He hasnt started any wars, which is more than obama and a lot of presidents have done

2020-11-20 07:08:17 UTC  


2020-11-20 07:08:23 UTC  

and joe biden was in the kkk <:CatRee:726878840374427781>

2020-11-20 07:08:28 UTC  


Palesition? what?!

2020-11-20 07:08:31 UTC  


2020-11-20 07:09:04 UTC  

dude sent out a team to kill a terrorist and they did

2020-11-20 07:09:19 UTC  

Do we have a lib in here?

2020-11-20 07:09:24 UTC  

just trolls

2020-11-20 07:09:26 UTC  


2020-11-20 07:09:28 UTC  


2020-11-20 07:09:36 UTC  


2020-11-20 07:09:38 UTC  

im still giving them information tho because its fun

Kanye is independent for goodness sake

2020-11-20 07:10:02 UTC  

<@!757463670430105660> and <@!777720314485538878> 11 year olds trying to argue with fake news

2020-11-20 07:10:04 UTC  

pot calling kettle black <:LeoDecaprio:768140752525852742>

2020-11-20 07:10:04 UTC

2020-11-20 07:10:05 UTC  

Jeb Bush won the presidency all 538 votes

2020-11-20 07:10:12 UTC  

Sage is intellectually challenged.

2020-11-20 07:10:16 UTC  

you guys are using alt accounts

2020-11-20 07:10:19 UTC  

what losers

2020-11-20 07:10:32 UTC  

Hello 🙂

2020-11-20 07:10:35 UTC  

COPE ME HARDER DADDY <:benSmirk:748215108781473823> <:benSmirk:748215108781473823>

2020-11-20 07:10:57 UTC  

Pls stop

You don't have to be Democrat to run vs Trump- there's Libertarian and Communist and Green parties, and independents

2020-11-20 07:11:23 UTC  

I got hairy legs that- that uh- t-turn blonde in the sun.. And I used to have lil kids in the pool run their hands up and down my leg and t-theyd turn blonde in the sun <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776>

2020-11-20 07:11:27 UTC  

Democrats are cringe <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776> <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776> <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776>

Then they're not cringing

2020-11-20 07:11:51 UTC  

Republicans are epic <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513> <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513> <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>

2020-11-20 07:11:58 UTC  

smells like liberal rioters in here <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>

2020-11-20 07:12:02 UTC  

democrats have a donkey for a mascot for a reason, they chose joe biden

2020-11-20 07:12:17 UTC  

Lol just watch rioters burning cities