Message from @Rational Wrongthink

Discord ID: 780009302004858921

2020-11-22 09:38:15 UTC  

I used to be a night shift mod but I quit, nobody wanted to help

2020-11-22 09:38:40 UTC  

And honestly, why can no left individual come up with a valid argument as to why all the election irregularities leaned for Biden

2020-11-22 09:39:41 UTC  

Yeah but they'd need enough votes to overturn the election

2020-11-22 09:41:10 UTC  

I think they have more than enough in Pennsylvania and Nevada can be the close second.

2020-11-22 09:41:37 UTC  

If Michigan finds extensive voter fraud around the detroit area, then it could possibly be enough.

2020-11-22 09:41:42 UTC  

Didn’t PA Supreme Court throw out trump?

2020-11-22 09:42:23 UTC  

I don't think so.. besides, when a case is rejected, you can still use it in a different court. 😉

2020-11-22 09:42:25 UTC  

I avoid most news so I’m not the most educated person in the country, and most social media is toxic so I avoid that too

2020-11-22 09:42:55 UTC  

Y’know... I always say don’t trust anyone, but Sidney Powell has no reason to lie. No reason at all. If everything she talks about isn’t true, it would destroy her career. So, I kinda have to trust her for the time being.

2020-11-22 09:43:01 UTC  

It seems pretty able for the PA case to climb the ladder to the SCOTUS.

2020-11-22 09:43:16 UTC  

I still think polosi is an untapped gold mine of memes

2020-11-22 09:43:43 UTC  

No matter what it is, there will be memes.

2020-11-22 09:44:31 UTC  

God bless the memes

2020-11-22 09:45:03 UTC  

~~it’s also hilarious as to how there’s not even a percentage of memes supporting the left as to the right~~

2020-11-22 09:45:47 UTC  

Why is the right so much better at memeing ?

2020-11-22 09:46:20 UTC  

Because we don’t need to burn down buildings

2020-11-22 09:46:26 UTC  

Or claim racism

2020-11-22 09:50:55 UTC  

I mean one of the funny de facto left memes was the Lincoln Project Regeneron thing which they took down because alot of Trump supporters liked it.

2020-11-22 09:54:55 UTC  

And if it’s something actually funny, we don’t get offended

2020-11-22 09:55:17 UTC  

Yet one meme about anything, some people just go nuts

2020-11-22 09:58:29 UTC  

It would be hard to be on the left and try to be funny because you can only pick on the privileged people above you, but when you can't think about them without spitting venom then crying like a little bitch it does make humour a tad difficult... and the irony is that the left is hilarious.

2020-11-22 09:58:54 UTC  

The left just attempts to steal meme ideas and fail horribly.

2020-11-22 09:59:46 UTC  

is miniores always online at this time?

2020-11-22 10:00:30 UTC  


2020-11-22 10:00:35 UTC  

He did state he was a night shift mod I think

2020-11-22 10:01:28 UTC  

Similar to that, I just happened to always be here in the evening. 🙂

2020-11-22 10:12:24 UTC  

Rest in pieces chat.

2020-11-22 10:13:05 UTC  

Hey guys, I’m now in the office of the supreme president elect, AMA

2020-11-22 10:32:30 UTC  


2020-11-22 10:35:41 UTC  

The problem with the lgbt community is that they want to be treated as “equal” but they also prance around in their parades praising adult toys too, which isn’t a way to earn respect

2020-11-22 10:35:49 UTC  

Carried from <#760648730431979560>

2020-11-22 10:37:17 UTC  

Idk i might be blind to it, but i see them as equal, my sister has never had a problem and shes bi

2020-11-22 10:37:28 UTC  

My sister in law is lesbian and shes never had issues

2020-11-22 10:37:44 UTC  

I cant speak for everyone, but thats what i been around

2020-11-22 10:38:25 UTC  

I have tons of gay friends and family and i never heard them discuss unequality.

2020-11-22 10:39:33 UTC  

They are equal, I’m gay and I’ve never felt alienated. Sure people don’t agree with it, they don’t have to agree with it, that’s their choice

2020-11-22 10:40:11 UTC  

Trumps not trying to take away the gays rights, at all, unlike what half my former friends said before they found out I voted for trump

2020-11-22 10:48:41 UTC  

So lame

2020-11-22 10:49:45 UTC  

I never discussed with friends i support trump, my friends HATE trump

2020-11-22 10:49:58 UTC  

Especially on twitter. Holy shit.

2020-11-22 10:50:35 UTC  

My in laws voted Biden and we dont hear the end of it, they know we support trump