Message from @steven the angry deplorable🇺🇸🇺🇸

Discord ID: 781548701108666419

2020-11-26 15:53:21 UTC  

i'm quite right wing

2020-11-26 15:53:26 UTC  

Definitely atheist or agnostic

2020-11-26 15:53:31 UTC  


2020-11-26 15:53:33 UTC  


2020-11-26 15:53:36 UTC  

Knew it

2020-11-26 15:53:47 UTC  

Conservative is like the start of being right wing lmao

2020-11-26 15:54:01 UTC  

@Nowhere-incoming is a troll I think...

2020-11-26 15:54:04 UTC  

Conservative is like base level right wing

2020-11-26 15:54:05 UTC  

cool, you know absolutely nothing about political science

2020-11-26 15:54:18 UTC  


2020-11-26 15:54:19 UTC  


2020-11-26 15:54:21 UTC  

"Political science" yup, lefty.

Im so right wing as proud boys

2020-11-26 15:54:31 UTC  

Communism is like socialism, except the more extreme version, for example, the idea of communism is a moneyless and classless society. But they share characteristics

2020-11-26 15:54:37 UTC  

"reality has a left leaning bias"

nice going bucko

2020-11-26 15:54:50 UTC  

anything that requires the word science in its title isn't a science - anonymous

2020-11-26 15:55:10 UTC  

life science -_-

2020-11-26 15:55:15 UTC  

No country has ever been communist before for the fact that it doesn’t work

2020-11-26 15:55:24 UTC  

a country can't be communist by definition

2020-11-26 15:55:28 UTC  

but yes i get your point

@米饭和面条 are you pro life?

2020-11-26 15:55:30 UTC  


2020-11-26 15:55:33 UTC  

politicology doesn't have the same ring to it lol

2020-11-26 15:55:39 UTC  

no no you're wrong, communism and socialism will work this time in America

2020-11-26 15:55:40 UTC  


2020-11-26 15:55:46 UTC  

morally yes, legally, it's nuanced

2020-11-26 15:55:48 UTC  

At this point it feels like it lmao

2020-11-26 15:55:55 UTC  

He's pro choice, ego a lefty

2020-11-26 15:56:03 UTC  

no one cares

2020-11-26 15:56:13 UTC  

@Nowhere-incoming quit being annoying

2020-11-26 15:56:31 UTC  

saying it's nuanced doesn't make you pro choice....

Man f legally i dont care you dont kill a baby😡

2020-11-26 15:56:36 UTC  


2020-11-26 15:56:54 UTC  

i'm nuanced on the legal issue because i believe there are other ways of bringing the abortion number down

2020-11-26 15:56:56 UTC  

He said he was further up.

2020-11-26 15:57:11 UTC  

what a great arguemnet

2020-11-26 15:57:14 UTC  

Well that’s where there’s the issue a lot of times with the courts. The legality of telling someone what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

2020-11-26 15:57:21 UTC  

But then what about the baby’s body?

2020-11-26 15:57:26 UTC  

"education" and poverty are the main reasons why most people get abortions

2020-11-26 15:57:26 UTC  

Also if you're not against it, you're scum so.

2020-11-26 15:57:35 UTC  

Let’s calm down everone. No need to turn this channel into a war zone