Message from @NightBear

Discord ID: 781610248334475274

2020-11-26 19:57:38 UTC  

no one can change other people's minds unless they are open to the idea of doing so. Don't force it.

2020-11-26 19:57:50 UTC  

its fine that others have different ideas

Bruh you got as much common sense as a turnup burning in the sun.

2020-11-26 19:57:59 UTC  

Happy Thanksgiving everyone

2020-11-26 19:58:30 UTC  

The parade just ended

2020-11-26 19:58:38 UTC  

It was nice

2020-11-26 19:58:44 UTC  

Not much broadway though

2020-11-26 19:58:45 UTC  

which one?

2020-11-26 19:58:50 UTC  


2020-11-26 19:58:55 UTC  

o dang missed it

2020-11-26 19:58:57 UTC  

thats fine

2020-11-26 19:59:01 UTC  

Disney’s Christmas parade should be on soon

2020-11-26 19:59:08 UTC  

Tbh I prefer that one

2020-11-26 19:59:18 UTC  

wheres it at?

2020-11-26 19:59:22 UTC  


2020-11-26 19:59:26 UTC  

Well according to multiple findings, let’s give a run down (not providing links you are capable of using google to find sources other than MSM). Dead people voting, people getting multiple ballots, higher than statistically possible voter turn outs, machines with vote flipping algorithms and ties to the deep democratic state, people not allowed to audit counts and recounts, random statistically and physically spikes in votes at 4 am after counting was supposedly done for the day. Ballots being thrown away, burned, videotape footage of workers filling out multiple ballots, thousands of affidavits and sworn statements, and the list goes on and on

2020-11-26 19:59:39 UTC  

I get it on Disney plus

2020-11-26 19:59:45 UTC  

I think it’s also on abc

2020-11-26 19:59:52 UTC  

Might be on YouTube too

2020-11-26 19:59:57 UTC  

Not gonna lie democrats are very rude.

2020-11-26 20:00:04 UTC  

@SmokyCopCar Now this is all that in a nutshell

2020-11-26 20:00:05 UTC  

@SmokyCopCar Google won't work as they senor information (Like if he/she tried to search to see if it was true)

2020-11-26 20:00:32 UTC  

They spread their performers across the four wdw parks

2020-11-26 20:00:42 UTC  

I love the performances in front of the Epcot ball

2020-11-26 20:01:05 UTC  

The animal kingdom sets are kinda meh, but tbh I kinda hate animal kingdom so...

2020-11-26 20:01:11 UTC  

it seems strange they are pushing biden so hard when the election is not certified

2020-11-26 20:01:18 UTC  

even people in other countries see that

2020-11-26 20:01:31 UTC  

You know how to tell when a Republican is a sell out?

2020-11-26 20:01:35 UTC  

The Libs like him.

2020-11-26 20:01:42 UTC  

Imagine being a liberal.

2020-11-26 20:02:06 UTC  

I have a vivid imagination but I can't imagine being that dumb.

2020-11-26 20:02:19 UTC  


2020-11-26 20:02:23 UTC  

Imagine being mad at Biden for stabbing you in the back despite his entire past being shoved in your face before you voted

2020-11-26 20:02:24 UTC  


2020-11-26 20:02:25 UTC  

They are only worried about the presidency, there is another point. Time and time and time and time again, Democrat leaders said they would make sure Donald J Trump would absolutely not be re-elected, no matter what. They don’t care about the senate and house, they are so focused on orange man bad (even though he’s really not) that they don’t consider the smaller political positions at the time being.

2020-11-26 20:02:49 UTC  

White Lives Matter

2020-11-26 20:02:59 UTC  

Can we not start this bs

2020-11-26 20:03:05 UTC  

All lives matter

2020-11-26 20:03:08 UTC  

People will do whatever it takes to win, its the sad truth. Now I don't mind if biden wins "fairly". But them refusing that fraud was going on seems very fishy that the election seems stolen as they don't want to check and go through the process of election irregularity.

2020-11-26 20:03:12 UTC  

All lives matter

2020-11-26 20:03:23 UTC  

Not George's life