Message from @Hibernian Raptor-Lord

Discord ID: 781674456539725824

2020-11-27 00:11:27 UTC  

let's all respect people faith's, it's bad taste to ridicule it, and bad taste to expect people to hold the same level of piouty as yourself

2020-11-27 00:11:30 UTC  

I can take a joke. Piss off if you’re gonna start being toxic.

He aint toxic

2020-11-27 00:11:54 UTC  

Slight change of topic, but does anybody else find it funny/somewhat alarming that we, collectively, consider ourselves to be the untouchable zenith of human achievement?

2020-11-27 00:11:55 UTC  

He is. He was doing this earlier.

2020-11-27 00:12:12 UTC  

Incapable of falling?

2020-11-27 00:12:21 UTC  

All others fell.

2020-11-27 00:12:36 UTC  

Not learning from history is a serious fallacy...

2020-11-27 00:12:45 UTC  

If you want someone to find your joke funny and not question what you just said, how about you start making your jokes more obvious that they are jokes?

2020-11-27 00:12:49 UTC  

the hubris of modern man?

History is being destroyed by the left

2020-11-27 00:13:18 UTC  

Not wrong

2020-11-27 00:13:19 UTC  

idt its limited to modern man alone, but yes

Man did i even ask you anything

2020-11-27 00:14:03 UTC  

At least for the past several centuries there was the grounding influence of belief, regardless of where u urself believe.

2020-11-27 00:14:24 UTC  

it made us look up, and not around/down so much

2020-11-27 00:14:41 UTC  

Nietzche wrote of that.

2020-11-27 00:14:50 UTC  

Hey guys, is Rona a scam? I fell into a rabbit hole and I'm starting to think it's a total scam

2020-11-27 00:14:51 UTC  

If you don’t want someone to comment on what you say, don’t speak in public chats. You can’t say something that some might find cringeworthy and expect no one to say anything.

Didn’t have to respond on it if your so salty you put Jesus name in shame change your name

2020-11-27 00:15:13 UTC  

can we drop that joke lol? none of us even remeber it

2020-11-27 00:15:16 UTC  

The way they’re treating it is a scam

2020-11-27 00:15:33 UTC  

A opportunity that globalists have made in partnership with China and the WHO

2020-11-27 00:15:34 UTC  

Yeah I mean like, I get it's a real virus, but they are treating us like cattle and prisoners

2020-11-27 00:15:34 UTC  

I’ve had Jesus in my name for days. Why would I change my name?

Yes if he can

2020-11-27 00:15:53 UTC  

covid-19 is real

2020-11-27 00:15:54 UTC  

My dude you literally kept responding to me <:dogekek:726878872607653918>

2020-11-27 00:16:00 UTC  

I've seen it, treated it

2020-11-27 00:16:03 UTC  

it's not a scam

2020-11-27 00:16:03 UTC  

I’m not saying it isn’t

2020-11-27 00:16:19 UTC  

its being used as one, certainly

2020-11-27 00:16:24 UTC  

the politicization of it is a huge amount of grifting though

2020-11-27 00:16:26 UTC  

I am afraid that if people DON'T resist these orwellian measures that we are going to be perpetually in lockdown / wearing masks.

2020-11-27 00:16:26 UTC  

I’m saying how it’s politicized and how big tech and governments are enforcing us is inappropriate

2020-11-27 00:16:43 UTC  

"2 weeks to slow the spread" yeah right total bs

2020-11-27 00:16:54 UTC  

I believe that only medical masks work

2020-11-27 00:16:56 UTC  

Not cloth

2020-11-27 00:17:06 UTC  

pretty sure that's been confirmed

2020-11-27 00:17:10 UTC  

Medical masks are from cotton.

2020-11-27 00:17:10 UTC  

That’s like wearing a pantyhose over your face