Message from @Joseph

Discord ID: 781675302257819690

2020-11-27 00:15:54 UTC  

My dude you literally kept responding to me <:dogekek:726878872607653918>

2020-11-27 00:16:00 UTC  

I've seen it, treated it

2020-11-27 00:16:03 UTC  

it's not a scam

2020-11-27 00:16:03 UTC  

I’m not saying it isn’t

2020-11-27 00:16:19 UTC  

its being used as one, certainly

2020-11-27 00:16:24 UTC  

the politicization of it is a huge amount of grifting though

2020-11-27 00:16:26 UTC  

I am afraid that if people DON'T resist these orwellian measures that we are going to be perpetually in lockdown / wearing masks.

2020-11-27 00:16:26 UTC  

I’m saying how it’s politicized and how big tech and governments are enforcing us is inappropriate

2020-11-27 00:16:43 UTC  

"2 weeks to slow the spread" yeah right total bs

2020-11-27 00:16:54 UTC  

I believe that only medical masks work

2020-11-27 00:16:56 UTC  

Not cloth

2020-11-27 00:17:06 UTC  

pretty sure that's been confirmed

2020-11-27 00:17:10 UTC  

Medical masks are from cotton.

2020-11-27 00:17:10 UTC  

That’s like wearing a pantyhose over your face

2020-11-27 00:17:19 UTC  

If you don't mind my asking, are you a professional medical person?

2020-11-27 00:17:25 UTC  

If you can breathe through it, rona can get through it

2020-11-27 00:17:37 UTC  

the power grabs in the name of safetyism, and heavy handed/ineffective lockdowns are going to create massive ripples in the future that will far outweigh the consequences of the pandemic

2020-11-27 00:17:49 UTC  

@Hibernian Raptor-Lord i'm a paramedic

2020-11-27 00:18:17 UTC  

We appreciate your service as a paramedic

2020-11-27 00:18:34 UTC  


2020-11-27 00:18:34 UTC  

paramedics aren’t medical professionals doe 🧐

2020-11-27 00:18:52 UTC  

no? I require not medical training or licensure?

2020-11-27 00:19:02 UTC  

We are losing our freedoms because of virus trauma-porn

2020-11-27 00:19:03 UTC  

In Ireland it's being used to push through, clandestinely, many types of unrelated and far reaching negative legislation

2020-11-27 00:19:13 UTC  

Medical professionals are more like.. doctors and nurses

2020-11-27 00:19:19 UTC  

Paramedics are first responders

2020-11-27 00:19:27 UTC  


2020-11-27 00:19:29 UTC  

I've been listening to a guy that lives in ireland talking about how they've been treated

2020-11-27 00:19:32 UTC  

Our police have the ability to arrest on grounds of not complying with the "guidelines"

2020-11-27 00:19:34 UTC  

I’m just saying lol

2020-11-27 00:19:43 UTC  

who treats the people when they go from one hospital to another?

2020-11-27 00:19:47 UTC  


2020-11-27 00:20:00 UTC  

to my knowledge it hasnt been used yet, but why the hell do we need that

2020-11-27 00:20:03 UTC  

Dude I was a paramedic for 3 years, they are medical professionals

2020-11-27 00:20:03 UTC  

we dont

2020-11-27 00:20:09 UTC  

who saves your grandmother when her heart stops in your livingroom? doctor dolittle?

2020-11-27 00:20:32 UTC  

why are you taking it so offensive?

2020-11-27 00:20:38 UTC  

@Dstar_Destroyer happy birthday

2020-11-27 00:20:44 UTC  

probably because you are gatekeeping the medical profession

2020-11-27 00:20:46 UTC  

all I said was paramedics aren’t medical professionals. no need to get pressed about it lll

2020-11-27 00:20:57 UTC  

Thanks man