Message from @OffensiveTaco

Discord ID: 781962998302375996

2020-11-27 19:13:46 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:14:11 UTC  

I mean I like trump better but tbh both of them are old creepy guys if I think about it

2020-11-27 19:14:57 UTC  

True. Biden approves my message

2020-11-27 19:15:11 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:15:30 UTC  

Y'all are fun, I'm staying here for awhile

2020-11-27 19:15:49 UTC  

I saw this meme and it’s a picture Kim jung un and then saying how Biden got no virus he sniffs ppl

2020-11-27 19:16:30 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:16:31 UTC  

Biden has the sniffles

2020-11-27 19:16:41 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:16:55 UTC  

Hehe, let me convert you

2020-11-27 19:17:05 UTC  

Guess what I was for Halloween

2020-11-27 19:17:22 UTC  

a sniffer on a swiffer

2020-11-27 19:17:26 UTC  

DM me, I'm open

2020-11-27 19:17:38 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:18:41 UTC  

I was Trump and my wife was Melania for Halloween 😂

2020-11-27 19:18:50 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:18:56 UTC  

I should do that with my bf

2020-11-27 19:19:16 UTC  

I could be a pretty woman for once

2020-11-27 19:19:56 UTC  

Nah im sure you're always pretty

2020-11-27 19:20:21 UTC  

Thxs but I’m pretty ugly lol

2020-11-27 19:21:46 UTC  

people's self esteem these days....

2020-11-27 19:22:20 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:22:39 UTC  

Mine is sooooooo high

2020-11-27 19:22:48 UTC  

I mean everyone is pretty/handsome to the right person 🤷‍♂️

2020-11-27 19:22:49 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:22:55 UTC  

Yea ig so..

2020-11-27 19:25:28 UTC  

It’s pretty epic

2020-11-27 19:25:59 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:29:46 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:30:08 UTC  

I'm not a biden or trump supporter

2020-11-27 19:30:13 UTC  

I'm Canadian and they're both clowns

2020-11-27 19:30:20 UTC  

But I hate trump more

2020-11-27 19:30:40 UTC  

Not surprising

2020-11-27 19:30:46 UTC  

Being Canadian

2020-11-27 19:30:52 UTC  

~~also fuck Trudeau~~

2020-11-27 19:31:16 UTC  

Why do you hate trump exactly?

2020-11-27 19:31:32 UTC  

He has messed up trade with us. That's my main reason

2020-11-27 19:31:41 UTC  

Ah fuck gotta run, might be back alter

2020-11-27 19:31:42 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:31:45 UTC  


2020-11-27 19:31:45 UTC  

Nafta isnt a good trade?