Message from @Simpnautica

Discord ID: 784168887801217074

2020-12-03 21:16:40 UTC  


2020-12-03 21:16:49 UTC  
2020-12-03 21:16:56 UTC  


2020-12-03 21:17:03 UTC  

Scum bags kill cops and people seem to be chill it

2020-12-03 21:17:10 UTC  


2020-12-03 21:17:10 UTC  


2020-12-03 21:19:05 UTC  

I am a huge fan of older cop shows where the cops were really good guys

2020-12-03 21:19:18 UTC  

and not gray

2020-12-03 21:19:23 UTC  

Then movements like ACAB rise, which judge a complete group for the actions of a few. That same group is against racism, and racism judges complete groups either for the actions of a few or the lack of knowledge of that group.

2020-12-03 21:19:24 UTC  

or bent

2020-12-03 21:20:55 UTC  

Yeah cops go out of their way to be considerate and are still called bastards or corrupt

2020-12-03 21:21:48 UTC  

There are bad cops like their are bad in anything else

2020-12-03 21:22:14 UTC  

There is corruption in the prison systems of a lot of states

2020-12-03 21:23:43 UTC  

the show 60 days in shows some of the corruption

2020-12-03 21:23:47 UTC  

its on netflix and hulu

2020-12-03 21:24:45 UTC  

I love Trump

2020-12-03 21:25:10 UTC  


2020-12-03 21:25:50 UTC  

it is a little bit gay but nothing wrong with it

2020-12-03 21:25:54 UTC  

just making sure you know

2020-12-03 21:26:23 UTC  

What I don't like about Trump is how he's dealt with covid.

2020-12-03 21:27:12 UTC  

true but i feel the same can be said for like every country

2020-12-03 21:28:08 UTC  

Yep. Definitely.

2020-12-03 21:28:35 UTC  

Spain has been...

2020-12-03 21:29:17 UTC  

Disappointing, in how it's dealt with it too.

2020-12-03 21:30:02 UTC  

Masks are 100% mandatory and you get a 100€ fine for not wearing them.

2020-12-03 21:30:20 UTC  

Social distancing is never respected which is the actually important part.

2020-12-03 21:36:12 UTC  

its never business or schools its being spread from people meeting up behind close doors

2020-12-03 21:37:15 UTC  

random question, does anyone remember that one time when they tried getting rid of a whale carcass by blowing it up?

2020-12-03 21:37:31 UTC  

they blow up anyways don't they?

2020-12-03 21:37:34 UTC  

or am i wrong

2020-12-03 21:37:44 UTC  

no i mean with actual explosives

2020-12-03 21:37:49 UTC  


2020-12-03 21:38:09 UTC  

it was on simpsons. when i look back at simpons it's so cringe lol

2020-12-03 21:38:50 UTC  

I love when I am out and people bitch about masks not being worn. Then stand on your heels in line.

2020-12-03 21:40:22 UTC  

well depends on the situation

2020-12-03 21:43:48 UTC  

When they first started mandating masks here I was in Walmart and went to use the restroom. This guy comes from the stall and has a mask on and I didn't. He gave me a dirty look. Yet he didn't wash his hands.

2020-12-03 21:44:01 UTC  

That is disgusting

2020-12-03 21:44:25 UTC  

I didn't have a mask btw

2020-12-03 21:44:26 UTC  


2020-12-03 21:45:29 UTC  

"My hands are covered in my own crap. But I look down on you for no mask.".

2020-12-03 21:46:47 UTC  

Imagine mandatory masks<:KEK:726877368601411624>