Message from @nice

Discord ID: 785933958742409236

2020-12-08 18:15:52 UTC  

Yeah but your parents

2020-12-08 18:15:59 UTC  

And teachers

2020-12-08 18:16:00 UTC  

Nah they are rebels

2020-12-08 18:16:15 UTC  

Teachers yeah but I’m homeschooled

2020-12-08 18:16:24 UTC  

Ahh okay

2020-12-08 18:16:38 UTC  

I really need to work but idk

2020-12-08 18:16:48 UTC  

lowkey same^ I havent gotten sick once this year. my dad has gotten sick maybe twice and my mom has always been careful due to underlying health conditions. considering im about to move out anyways, I dont even think I have to worry about getting them sick.

2020-12-08 18:16:57 UTC  

at waht u said benjamin

2020-12-08 18:17:03 UTC  

we're talking about riots in class :/

2020-12-08 18:17:07 UTC  


2020-12-08 18:17:24 UTC  

im supposed to be researching green peace.. i should probably go finish that. :/

2020-12-08 18:17:28 UTC  

I just want to say that a vaccine would help but like masks it is not a magic bullet

2020-12-08 18:17:35 UTC  

This is a really important distinction. Distributors will fuck this up guaranteed. Not speaking against the vaccine itself, mind you

2020-12-08 18:17:49 UTC  

thx bro

2020-12-08 18:18:04 UTC  

I know the fam has talked about this

2020-12-08 18:18:33 UTC  

But we live near UW of Madison bet they could make it here

2020-12-08 18:19:05 UTC  

It is a kinda good medical school and hospital

2020-12-08 18:19:35 UTC  

They have done world renound research on stem cells

2020-12-08 18:20:00 UTC  

Oh for sure, if you can get it directly from a solid medical facility, that's one thing. But don't get the Pfizer vaccine from a CVS/clinic

2020-12-08 18:20:40 UTC  

i wouldnt get any vaccine from cvs. lol

2020-12-08 18:20:57 UTC  

Yeah we have a clinic we go for to get vaccines

2020-12-08 18:21:00 UTC  

Do you think the lockdowns will tone down/end when the vaccine comes or are the governors too addicted to power.

2020-12-08 18:21:09 UTC  

CVS does Vaccines? i thought that was just the homeless dudes doing meth

2020-12-08 18:21:19 UTC  

That is part of the hospital kinda

2020-12-08 18:21:53 UTC  

They probs want a better state economy

2020-12-08 18:22:02 UTC  


2020-12-08 18:22:09 UTC  

So probs nah

2020-12-08 18:22:21 UTC  

Yeah true

2020-12-08 18:22:45 UTC  

No way, they'll keep milking them

2020-12-08 18:22:47 UTC  

Oh damn the other way round they will tone it down

2020-12-08 18:22:59 UTC  

For the economy

2020-12-08 18:24:29 UTC  

Also businesses might let u come in if you have a vaccine certificate without having to wear a mask

2020-12-08 18:25:20 UTC  

I cant see any business accepting lockdowns after a vaccine is available

2020-12-08 18:25:42 UTC  

Yeah but u never know

2020-12-08 18:26:14 UTC  

I mean alot of them are already snapping

2020-12-08 18:26:19 UTC  

oh I can. I live in NOVA. these people are so liberal its toxic

2020-12-08 18:26:29 UTC  

they will stay shut down as long as they want to

2020-12-08 18:26:30 UTC  

What's nova

2020-12-08 18:26:35 UTC  

even if gov lets em open

2020-12-08 18:26:41 UTC  

I am saying they might just make peeps wear masks

2020-12-08 18:26:51 UTC  

NOVA is northern VA. the area around DC