Message from @Mcgoober

Discord ID: 785979054632730716

2020-12-08 21:15:44 UTC  

@ARCADEIUS its about aids not guns

2020-12-08 21:16:03 UTC  

Let him go

2020-12-08 21:16:31 UTC  

@Sackboy de Waffen SS Go to <#720701634086436886>

2020-12-08 21:16:33 UTC  


2020-12-08 21:16:42 UTC  

I grew up during the AIDS "Epidemic" and I was convinced I could get AIDs at anytime

2020-12-08 21:16:48 UTC  

.. I literally did emergency medicine classes? So they lied to me, or they lied to you

2020-12-08 21:16:48 UTC  

2020-12-08 21:17:09 UTC  

Someone lied somewhere

2020-12-08 21:17:19 UTC  

We said the same thing, it does help, it just doesn't restart the heart

2020-12-08 21:17:20 UTC  

Lies for years

2020-12-08 21:17:32 UTC  

I was doing itr for over 20 years when I was told it was pointless

2020-12-08 21:18:01 UTC  

Gimmie dat der doe

2020-12-08 21:18:07 UTC  

I did cpr on my son for 20 minutes at one point. Sheer luck that he turned out normal. Coded like 5x in his first 2 years

2020-12-08 21:18:10 UTC  

After some heavy mental reflection, I reached the conclusion of why I prefer conservatism.

2020-12-08 21:18:38 UTC  

I prefer to be a hermit away from everyone

2020-12-08 21:18:45 UTC  

Did my training years before that when I was in my late teens though 😂

2020-12-08 21:19:31 UTC  

Yeah I think someone just was in a crappy mood @dimidarn and decided to be an ass hat to my group

2020-12-08 21:19:50 UTC  

I think the truth is we don't have a clue lol

2020-12-08 21:19:59 UTC  

Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't

2020-12-08 21:20:08 UTC  

Sometimes your number is just up

2020-12-08 21:20:09 UTC  

I got a first aid certification last year

2020-12-08 21:20:12 UTC  

Like anything else

2020-12-08 21:20:41 UTC  

Yeah when it's your time it's your time

2020-12-08 21:20:52 UTC  

No one gets to choose how you go

2020-12-08 21:20:55 UTC  

What's up yall

2020-12-08 21:21:19 UTC  

I always remember a panel from the GI Joe comic where someone told Rock N ROll he may find the bullet with his name on it

2020-12-08 21:21:20 UTC  

I'll say though, I beleive it can help in the right situation, my 5yo screaming about mickey mouse is my proof on that one

2020-12-08 21:21:29 UTC  

Olny God knows when you're time's up.

2020-12-08 21:21:45 UTC  

He said he wasn't afraid of the one with his name but the other 50000 marked occupant

2020-12-08 21:22:46 UTC  

I have problems trusting myself, and my opinions have changed so radically that many times I wonder if I am still on the right side of an issue.

Information and things change so drastically and quick. What was true yesterday may have 20 debunkings tomorrow.
It's very chaotic, and I end up not knowing what is true or not.

That's why a system where its values are clear and simple is best for me. It creates order. This is good, this is bad. Things are simple and tidy.

But leftist systems full subjectivism or relativism are confusing and even more chaotic. Nothing is right or wrong, you can be whatever.

2020-12-08 21:23:18 UTC  

Y'all get me?

2020-12-08 21:23:27 UTC  


2020-12-08 21:23:29 UTC  

Makes sense to me

2020-12-08 21:23:36 UTC  


2020-12-08 21:23:41 UTC  


2020-12-08 21:23:52 UTC  

Order is good

2020-12-08 21:24:10 UTC  

I like my chaos a bit more controlled than it has been this year

2020-12-08 21:24:26 UTC  

@ARCADEIUS Ecclesiastes 9:12 (KJV) For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.

2020-12-08 21:24:50 UTC  

“Guide Us To The Straight Path” – Surah Fatiha Ayat 6

2020-12-08 21:24:55 UTC  

i got this randomly off the internet

2020-12-08 21:25:12 UTC  

Gender for example. You can't deconstruct gender roles and what a man or a woman is, and then expect people to refer to yourself in manner relative to a concept with no definable characteristics.