Message from @Lambton

Discord ID: 787772269916979236

2020-12-13 20:03:40 UTC  

Mormons believe that by working hard enough, when you can die, you are able to be a God of your own universe

2020-12-13 20:03:47 UTC  

Student of Christ

2020-12-13 20:03:51 UTC  

Well that is an assumption, which is faith. Which, again does not make you wrong or me right.

2020-12-13 20:03:52 UTC  

not exactly that kraken

2020-12-13 20:03:53 UTC  


2020-12-13 20:03:56 UTC  

close enough

2020-12-13 20:03:58 UTC  

pretty frickin epic

2020-12-13 20:04:21 UTC  

Yes because you need to believe in a religion to go to heaven, that's the dumbest shit a omnipotent God would do.

2020-12-13 20:04:45 UTC  

Believing that you can be a god one day minimizes the power that the one true God has

2020-12-13 20:04:54 UTC  

if i knew a higher power had to be the case then the first thing id do is figure out what religion makes the most sense and has the most founding

2020-12-13 20:04:55 UTC  

"Abortion is murder it should be illegal"

2020-12-13 20:05:01 UTC  

it doesn't say we are a god

2020-12-13 20:05:02 UTC  


2020-12-13 20:05:03 UTC  

A Christian is someone who believes the Bible is completely factual and true and was wrote by men under inspiration of god and the only source of truth is from the Bible

2020-12-13 20:05:12 UTC  

But it says we can become one

2020-12-13 20:05:18 UTC  

it says the only true source is the bible?

2020-12-13 20:05:22 UTC  

to be christian?

2020-12-13 20:05:33 UTC  

Planet, not universe. But that's about 10%. There's holy garments, baptism for the Dead, non-triniatarian, lucifer is Jesus's brother, handshakes to higher heavens... Lots more

2020-12-13 20:05:36 UTC  

~~then there are the heretical catholics. Lol just kidding.~~

2020-12-13 20:05:40 UTC  

Yet it contradicts the Bible

2020-12-13 20:05:45 UTC  

@GotatoChi a follower of Christ is a christian

2020-12-13 20:05:57 UTC  

so you agree mormon is christian lambton

2020-12-13 20:06:03 UTC  

Well I mean I’m not saying that everything else is a lie

2020-12-13 20:06:15 UTC  

@GotatoChi they dont follow christ and the bible which is what christ called us to do

2020-12-13 20:06:15 UTC  

There's too many choices in a religion, what makes christens right, their arrogance? If you search for the meaning of God and do good, that's the way to get into heaven.

2020-12-13 20:06:17 UTC  

The only source of divine Revelation is the Bible, yes, the Bible does say that. Multiple times.

2020-12-13 20:06:34 UTC  

the zedcast video says private??

2020-12-13 20:06:37 UTC  

it says if you don't only think the bible is the source of truth you aren't christian??

2020-12-13 20:06:42 UTC  

I personally like Jordan Peterson's take on christianity.

2020-12-13 20:06:54 UTC  

He took it down to fix some sound issues

2020-12-13 20:06:56 UTC  

Which is?

2020-12-13 20:07:07 UTC  

ok gotcha thanks

2020-12-13 20:07:09 UTC  

Because God became a man in Christ Jesus and rose from the grave, factually speaking. No other religion has the facts of divine.

2020-12-13 20:07:12 UTC  
2020-12-13 20:07:19 UTC  


2020-12-13 20:07:24 UTC  

@trump2020 it will be up this evening

2020-12-13 20:07:28 UTC  

Whether you believe the book is true or not, the bible has laid down some very good concepts of which make society a better place to live in. Not his exact words, but that's the gist of it.

2020-12-13 20:07:34 UTC  

ok good deal

2020-12-13 20:07:52 UTC  

No, it says if you trust in other sources, you're a false prophet. IE, someone who tells others who God is.

2020-12-13 20:08:09 UTC  

There is historical accuracy archeological accuracy and biblical prophetical accuracy

2020-12-13 20:08:14 UTC  

it isn't about who god is