Message from @Dstar_Destroyer
Discord ID: 789490203785560114
Even with threat of nukes, it would ring hollow
Ya know with all the political division
Nah you just gotta nuke their nukes, then they can’t nuke you back
Our biggest problem is domestic, and China
Good thing there was lead in children's toys before, means they'll be more protective.
I feel like if it was another country it would either be China or Iraq
Can't wait to be a ghoul
But right now most likely China would try to invade us
tbh because of the Mutually Assured Destruction agreement one nuke is all it takes, it doesnt even have to go oof,
Because I heard some news that they had troops stationed in Canada and Mexico
so north korea could be the catylyst
Iraq is no where near strong enough to attack with military yet
They wouldnt
not yet
I think most countries know not to try and invade the US. They never know who has guns, which makes it risky.
Nukes are outdated, they just need to make some helicarriers like in winter soldier
NK knows it cant win a war, they would launch one just to be noticed
urban warfare is tough enough already
And thats all it would take to start the end of the world
Maybe a bio engineered virus?
True but aren’t people in the military getting the vaccine first? Maybe some long term affects of it could render them useless
People are complaining about the stimulus only being 600 dollars but here's the thing I wanna buy the new xbox and 600 is more than enough
yeah im avoiding the vaccine tbh
Or maybe build a pc?
Also I could buy a lot of LEGO with that money
Crap I won’t stimulus money
If nukes launch and all world leaders expect MAD, then it will never launch, since there would be no victor, and we all know how selfish these leaders are, what are you gonna control when everything us destroyed
Seriously though yeah it should probably be more for people who are in the gutter right now
Same, I want to get it like either mid or late next year
For cocaine
600 dollars is nothing, thats maybe a month's worth of groceries, for my family
But at least it’s something
And im assuming we need to buy more then just food
You’re not supposed to live of the stimulus
What should happen is a complete lift of lockdowns
What are your family gluttonous?
It’s just some money