Message from @Mcgoober

Discord ID: 789929995979063321

2020-12-19 18:57:15 UTC  

And kalllma wants to make prostitution legal and supported.

2020-12-19 18:57:24 UTC  

There's not only US in the word, you know?

2020-12-19 18:57:27 UTC  

prostitution good: but must have mask

2020-12-19 18:57:36 UTC  

Well I mean if it was easy witness protection wouldn't exactly be doing their job...

2020-12-19 18:57:45 UTC  

How is prostitution good?

2020-12-19 18:57:54 UTC  

only when you have a mask on

2020-12-19 18:57:59 UTC  

It's still quite hard to text only in English

2020-12-19 18:58:13 UTC  

Prostituion is like very bad.

2020-12-19 18:58:43 UTC  

free STD checks for prostitutes in kamalas US

2020-12-19 18:58:44 UTC  

The gave me the reverse Micheal Jackson treatment

2020-12-19 18:58:47 UTC  


2020-12-19 18:58:55 UTC  

They might teach prostitution in school if Kalam takes over.

2020-12-19 18:58:58 UTC  

taxpayer funded prostitute healthcare

2020-12-19 18:59:04 UTC  

For you, my american friends, it's quite easy to dislike Marx

2020-12-19 18:59:13 UTC  

But for me it's hard

2020-12-19 18:59:19 UTC  


2020-12-19 18:59:32 UTC  

Has the anime made you a marxist

2020-12-19 18:59:32 UTC  

Yeah, and America has the highest concentration of social conservatives and market conservatives. We are an outlier in the world's eye, so it's definitely concerning marxism has infiltrated our institutions

2020-12-19 18:59:38 UTC  

Better to be dead than red.

2020-12-19 18:59:41 UTC  

Because it was commies that turn my 5k village to 780k city

2020-12-19 18:59:47 UTC  


2020-12-19 18:59:51 UTC  

Why'd they do that

2020-12-19 19:00:02 UTC  

A lot of places were better in soviet times in eastern europe

2020-12-19 19:00:13 UTC  

Lol europe

2020-12-19 19:00:15 UTC  

ever watch bald and bankrupt

2020-12-19 19:00:16 UTC  


2020-12-19 19:00:37 UTC  
2020-12-19 19:00:37 UTC  

Stop saying it like word is turning around you

2020-12-19 19:00:39 UTC  

Что ж, этот чат - беспорядок.

2020-12-19 19:00:50 UTC  

I meam about the commies

2020-12-19 19:00:52 UTC  

Cool story bro

2020-12-19 19:01:02 UTC  

u wot m8

2020-12-19 19:01:19 UTC  

Better to be dead than a dirty low life commie. That's what I mean.

2020-12-19 19:01:23 UTC  

They need to build a dam

2020-12-19 19:01:38 UTC  

So they moved the village

2020-12-19 19:01:46 UTC  

When the rest of the world brushes us off as jokes, we kinda are the center of attention. Nevermind we have things like codified free speech and gun ownership, which are rarities in other Western nations

2020-12-19 19:01:56 UTC  

and then built a car factory

2020-12-19 19:02:00 UTC  

إذا قمت بترجمة هذا فأنت شاذ

2020-12-19 19:02:07 UTC  

America is number one country.

2020-12-19 19:02:10 UTC  

and some big plants like chemical production

2020-12-19 19:02:16 UTC  

Screw the democrats