Message from @ScaryScarab

Discord ID: 796427638419488805

2021-01-06 17:17:06 UTC  


2021-01-06 17:17:12 UTC  

I cant even read Japanese 😂

2021-01-06 17:17:12 UTC  


2021-01-06 17:17:20 UTC  

none of us can

2021-01-06 17:17:24 UTC  

I was almost brain washed listening to CNN news 3 years ago I almost trusted them

2021-01-06 17:17:26 UTC  

no, our gov failed. The constitution is simply a guiding framework that our gov was suppposed to adhere too, but they lack integrity.

2021-01-06 17:17:33 UTC  

Y’all his talking about Pense is weird

2021-01-06 17:17:44 UTC  

I can read some japanese, but they are mostly saying good things about Trump and how they would want to be there

2021-01-06 17:17:46 UTC  

Keeps saying he hopes he comes through

2021-01-06 17:17:48 UTC  

Carl Azuz was kinda based for CNN standards

2021-01-06 17:17:56 UTC  

It really is, i sense defeatism unfortunately

2021-01-06 17:18:03 UTC  


2021-01-06 17:18:08 UTC  

4 more years

2021-01-06 17:18:10 UTC  

ik. I understand what he is getting at, but fr, chill out.

2021-01-06 17:18:34 UTC  

oh I forgot about the space force

2021-01-06 17:18:36 UTC  

he sounds chill?

2021-01-06 17:18:40 UTC  

lmao he's still bragging about spaceforce, like bruh, that was already a thing. It was just a detachment of the AF. xD

2021-01-06 17:18:42 UTC  

Great. Bad news from my husband's work already. Hes second in charge and was just told they won't be able to compete by the end of the year if things are opened back up with china

2021-01-06 17:18:58 UTC  

Trump needs to chill out about pence

2021-01-06 17:19:00 UTC  


2021-01-06 17:19:05 UTC  

remember Trump says everything for a reason, gotta read between the lines

2021-01-06 17:19:11 UTC  


2021-01-06 17:19:31 UTC  

sorry to hear that
if he gets rid of gasoline I'm fucked cause my family is in the fuel industry

2021-01-06 17:19:31 UTC  

If the constitution worked, we would not be where we are now. I love the constitution and think it’s the best document ever written (besides the Bible). However, it tried to get rid of the existence of power, something that will always exist and needs to be accounted for.

2021-01-06 17:19:59 UTC  

Im a petroleum engineer how do you think i feel

2021-01-06 17:20:00 UTC  

Instructions don't work if people don't read them, that's not the instruction booklets fault

2021-01-06 17:20:03 UTC  

haha, the japanese chat is going Tora Tora Trump. They are going hard core for trump on the japanese channel.

2021-01-06 17:20:05 UTC  

They do metal panels for refrigeration units.

2021-01-06 17:20:12 UTC  

our economy is fucked if that happens

2021-01-06 17:20:16 UTC  

i doubt it will

2021-01-06 17:20:20 UTC  

Things are already falling apart

2021-01-06 17:20:20 UTC  

Well Pence is werid because his simle is so off and looks like he has red eyes lol

2021-01-06 17:20:32 UTC  

go go godzilla

2021-01-06 17:20:40 UTC  

Pence is weird. He looks like he's an android

2021-01-06 17:20:48 UTC  

Well, Tora is japanese for Tiger

2021-01-06 17:20:59 UTC  

oh I thought it was go

2021-01-06 17:21:13 UTC  

I HIGHLY recommend watching John Doyle’s video “lessons from 2020” to learn more. He can explain it better than I ever could.

2021-01-06 17:21:13 UTC  

again, the constitution cant do anything. its inatimate. It is a blueprint and a framework that requires those who live by it to do so with integrity. something our gov lacks entirely

2021-01-06 17:21:23 UTC  

Pence may be compromised, we shall see, if he caves then i believe we'll see war one way or another, the 80 year cycles will renew

2021-01-06 17:21:23 UTC  

Hopefully it's right as I'm taking Japanese 202 soon

2021-01-06 17:21:47 UTC  

John and zed need to collab with each other