Message from @SnowWhite❄
Discord ID: 755831324664922143
Oof im so sorry
Oh are you knottys girl?
oh no
no no
Who are any of those people
New to discord? dang
There are Discord ToS. Making jokes about your age is reason to be removed from the server, since the server could have repercussions from it.
knotty is engaged to a woman who is also a giant
Noob 😂 jk
i use line mostly
I use line only to sign up for IDV
I havent used it since
ine everywhere here
finally got a break wtf is going on I have gotten two pings
That would be epic
It is Snow, Knotty.
I am the Montana Mountain man who grew up with the little midget known as snow
-.- I am not a midget
I mean. Technically. right?
U freaking leprechaun 🍀
she can deny it but meh
i happy ian not the shorest anymore
oh lord a poll....
Dwarfism occurs in adults under 4'10
we need a poll on if snow is a midget or not
this will be a thing
I just think that they are really gonna try and hide Biden in the basement unless they absolutely need to
This isnt a poll thing lol
dont you date
This is objective