Message from @NEXRAD

Discord ID: 756680282895286273

2020-09-19 00:55:13 UTC  

what did she say

2020-09-19 00:55:15 UTC  

What did she say?@Einstein Nnaji

2020-09-19 00:55:21 UTC  

as I see it I am just a viewer for this generations troubles as I agree more with previous generations. I just happen to be apart of gen Z

2020-09-19 00:55:22 UTC  

Wants a new president before her seat is filled.

2020-09-19 00:55:25 UTC  

what she said is disgusting

2020-09-19 00:55:34 UTC  

like wow. your dying wish is that petty and political?

2020-09-19 00:55:35 UTC  


2020-09-19 00:55:46 UTC  

but there is no constitutional rule that would enforce that right?

2020-09-19 00:55:49 UTC  

what the fuck

2020-09-19 00:55:52 UTC  

It came from her Granddaughter, so it's possible to be made up.

2020-09-19 00:55:53 UTC  

I need to hear this what did she say

2020-09-19 00:56:24 UTC  

I bet the dems are going to say trump killed rbg

2020-09-19 00:56:26 UTC  

this is from the NPR. "Just days before her death, as her strength waned, Ginsburg dictated this statement to her granddaughter Clara Spera: 'My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.'"

2020-09-19 00:56:27 UTC  

there is no constitutional obligation to follow her wish

2020-09-19 00:56:49 UTC  


2020-09-19 00:56:57 UTC  

Wow that's just wow

2020-09-19 00:56:58 UTC  

Not at all.

2020-09-19 00:56:59 UTC  

definitely not

2020-09-19 00:57:00 UTC  

Good afternoon

2020-09-19 00:57:14 UTC  

Then we must off one of the other judges

2020-09-19 00:57:17 UTC  

I mean 3 JUDGES would be a huge deal for trump

2020-09-19 00:57:20 UTC  

Have 7 then.

2020-09-19 00:57:20 UTC  

lol people yelling at trump abt the justice that died at his rally

2020-09-19 00:57:27 UTC  

I jk

2020-09-19 00:57:32 UTC  

i rly wish he hears them i wanna see his reaction

2020-09-19 00:57:53 UTC  

what did POTUS say about this news

2020-09-19 00:57:55 UTC  

Alright back to work

2020-09-19 00:58:04 UTC  

Yeah same

2020-09-19 00:58:08 UTC  

he is at a rally idk if he knows?

2020-09-19 00:58:09 UTC  

@Einstein Nnaji He's at a rally when the news has come out.

2020-09-19 00:58:20 UTC  

now the question is: does it benefit Trump to deflect all attention from himself and place it on the nominating vote, or should he just postpone it after the election

2020-09-19 00:58:26 UTC  

Does anyone ever think the LGBTQ community is really All up in your face about their “believes” almost as bad as atheists, or perhaps worse than vegans and cross fitters?

2020-09-19 00:58:27 UTC  


2020-09-19 00:58:53 UTC  

worse than vegans and cross fitters combined

2020-09-19 00:59:00 UTC  

Is that a good comparison I feel like that’s a good comparison

2020-09-19 00:59:14 UTC  

they are

2020-09-19 00:59:15 UTC  

Like I’m just so tired of almost everything being about lgbt lol

2020-09-19 00:59:32 UTC  

tell tat to kids in my school and you'll get cancelled

2020-09-19 00:59:44 UTC  

yeah and if you even dare mention that its ok to be hetero too youre a phobic

2020-09-19 00:59:56 UTC  

Ppl so obsessed with their “sexual orientation” “identity”

2020-09-19 01:00:03 UTC  

heteros keep the species alive