Message from @SpaceDandyJoestarGG
Discord ID: 759469102057914459
I was never a democrat
If he was a good fascist he'd destroy BLM, and antifa in a second and kill them
I was 12 in 2012
obama will go down as the worst president is history
If trump is a fascit
he a very bad one
I was 18 I believe
At least he will go down as a president
Or older
I’m 25 now
*shakes trumps hand and give him position as potus*
Turning 26 soon
Well at least I will go down as president
For the past 2 elections I had voted blue.
I will go down as a person
I will go down as Pro life
f in the chat for @Jazzyx3
Sad truth but it was only after trump won that I did any research
They will remember me as the person who promised to stop the war in the middle east as I proceeded to bomb it for both terms
Michel Moore?
I'm voting for the first time
my dog finally stopped sharting
Voting for trump
Me too bruh my first time as well Trump 2020
I’m voting for trump for the first time as well, it’s going to feel so good <:fsktR:718753147115536405> <:fsktR:718753147115536405> <:fsktR:718753147115536405>
I was 15 when Trump became president and I'm glad I get to know why and I didn't listen to influencers and celebrities telling me what to believe.
I'm voting in person
I love Liberal tears
We will vote in person
Have yall read the manga my hero MAGAdemia
Strive more for black strong woman, no more victim mentality! <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288>
The tears of the left is just so tasty