Message from @The Oud
Discord ID: 762751501315604540
@minecraftgamer420 no he didn’t
he looked like a weirdo
I’m the imposter, my pronoun is sus
He didn’t like little boys
he looks creepy as fuck
Kaladin kinda sus ngl
stop uncovering your deeply seated racism
He looks white
he looms kinda like a...
***S H E***
no he's just a light black
Wait Michael Jackson was black?
he was born black
Oh damn
tf u didnt know?
I thought he was just bronze
no he was fully black
I thought he was grey?
I'm colorblind so I don't see race
thats cool
Oh yeah did you get the glasses that make you act like Logan Paul after you wear them?
I'm not gay
How come people are being banned here without warnungy?
They’re not
It’s like the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft
only the warnungies know...
stop hating on warungies
Ive heard other wise
A quick ban happens in cases of extreme rule breaks
They warn b4 ban, and if they’re a raid than that’s different
@Butterfly Is there anybody specifically you are referring to?
like if you ***[censored content]***
Nah, its not my place to say their names i just saw them talking about how they got banned without warning.
Thats what DMs are for 😉