Message from @Shrimpf

Discord ID: 388440809193734164

2017-12-07 21:21:14 UTC  

It's neurological when you prefer not to go outside and have reduced pain capabilty

2017-12-07 21:21:20 UTC  

which one of you homos no longer has a gag reflex

2017-12-07 21:21:26 UTC  

People with autism tend to have epilepsy, gastronomical issues, heightened changes of cancer, heart diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc

2017-12-07 21:21:51 UTC  

1/3th has epilepsy

2017-12-07 21:21:54 UTC  

one time I dropped a log on my finger and it make the nail come out from the root

2017-12-07 21:22:06 UTC  

in a clean piece

2017-12-07 21:22:43 UTC  

I had an ingrown toenail that my doc didnt want to solve and was causing immense pain

2017-12-07 21:22:45 UTC  

i have irregular heartbeat ;-;

2017-12-07 21:22:55 UTC  

So I cut it out with a box cutter

2017-12-07 21:22:56 UTC  

deets get a pacemaker

2017-12-07 21:23:07 UTC  

@Shrimpf whyyyy

2017-12-07 21:23:15 UTC  

you can use surgery to get it removed

2017-12-07 21:23:17 UTC  

like me

2017-12-07 21:23:33 UTC  

I started from the middle of my toenail and sawed it in half

2017-12-07 21:23:36 UTC  

just make sure to tell your doc to use extra strong anesthetic cause mine wasn't so strong even after 6 injections in my toe

2017-12-07 21:23:39 UTC  

Then ripped it out

2017-12-07 21:24:07 UTC  

Those anesthetics hurt

2017-12-07 21:24:17 UTC  

yep the needle going in your flesh sucks

2017-12-07 21:24:41 UTC  

I know every spot where needles hurt because I had to learn it

2017-12-07 21:24:53 UTC  

And Im not letting them stab me in my toe

2017-12-07 21:25:05 UTC  

Id rather have pain on my own terms

2017-12-07 21:25:24 UTC  

They also inject you behind the nail

2017-12-07 21:25:34 UTC  

the first rebandage was a bitch

2017-12-07 21:25:42 UTC  

the nurse ripped the bandage clean off my fresh wound

2017-12-07 21:25:53 UTC  

fucking asshole

2017-12-07 21:26:00 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:26:52 UTC  

I remember when my nurse ripped out the stitches in my ear like a rope game

2017-12-07 21:27:01 UTC  

Well behind my ear

2017-12-07 21:27:08 UTC  

ah sutures

2017-12-07 21:27:20 UTC  

I watched many videos about micosutures in particular

2017-12-07 21:27:31 UTC  

very meticulous work

2017-12-07 21:27:43 UTC  

err micro sutures

2017-12-07 21:27:43 UTC  

Its interesting

2017-12-07 21:27:54 UTC  

I watched the procedure before I got it

2017-12-07 21:29:39 UTC  

I have a titanium middle ear

2017-12-07 21:29:43 UTC  

what's that feeling called when you get low blood pressure during extreme stress or pain

2017-12-07 21:29:52 UTC  

your vision starts going black and white

2017-12-07 21:29:56 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:29:56 UTC  

your ears ring

2017-12-07 21:30:01 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:30:12 UTC  

I got that after getting my toe nail removed and walkingout