Message from @Aletro

Discord ID: 763432483790127164

2020-10-07 16:05:28 UTC  

> if you bring your baggage in a conversation your become personally invested
@Aletro like you said, imagine being emotional on the internet. Especially about video games

2020-10-07 16:05:33 UTC  

they look for recognition and satisfaction

2020-10-07 16:05:34 UTC  


2020-10-07 16:05:38 UTC  

that's why they take their problems onto the internet

2020-10-07 16:05:41 UTC  

i like shitting on all fandoms

2020-10-07 16:05:44 UTC  

but of course nobody is going to comfort them

2020-10-07 16:05:45 UTC  

especially vidya games

2020-10-07 16:06:00 UTC  

people are so emotionally invested in a game or a developper

2020-10-07 16:06:09 UTC  

any criticism of CDPR will get some fan bois angry 🙂

2020-10-07 16:06:11 UTC  

yanderedev cough

2020-10-07 16:06:12 UTC  

without fail

2020-10-07 16:06:39 UTC  

I like to shit on CP2077 just to see the level of shilling fan bois go to

2020-10-07 16:06:44 UTC  

it's so funny

2020-10-07 16:06:54 UTC  

Speaking of games what do you sll hope will be improved and added in botw 2?

2020-10-07 16:07:03 UTC  

people will defend strangers tooth and nail for no reason

2020-10-07 16:07:09 UTC  

i dunno why

2020-10-07 16:07:17 UTC  

I'm surprised how many people aren't toxic when it come to botw

2020-10-07 16:07:21 UTC  

botw 2?

2020-10-07 16:07:29 UTC  

we barely needed a sequel

2020-10-07 16:08:00 UTC  

> people will defend strangers tooth and nail for no reason
@Aletro theres always that one guy

2020-10-07 16:08:08 UTC  

sounds like the Zelda creators are either:
1) too lazy to make another IP
2) they listen to fans way too much

2020-10-07 16:08:16 UTC  

i'ma say both

2020-10-07 16:08:52 UTC  


2020-10-07 16:09:04 UTC  

> sounds like the Zelda creators are either:
> 1) too lazy to make another IP
> 2) they listen to fans way too much
Pokemon ngl

2020-10-07 16:09:08 UTC  

Nendendo hasn't made money with me since the 64 🙂

2020-10-07 16:09:16 UTC  

i boycott the fuck outta them 🙂

2020-10-07 16:09:20 UTC  


2020-10-07 16:09:30 UTC  

because they lost their way

2020-10-07 16:09:39 UTC  

What was their way

2020-10-07 16:09:50 UTC  

innovative gameplay and revolutionary mechanics

2020-10-07 16:10:04 UTC  

The wii was kinda like that i guess?

2020-10-07 16:10:04 UTC  

now they try to make you buy nunchucks and stupid gimmicks

2020-10-07 16:10:19 UTC  

Nendendo is lost in a vicious circle of trying to outdo their past selves

2020-10-07 16:10:22 UTC  

and they are failing

2020-10-07 16:10:26 UTC  


2020-10-07 16:10:56 UTC  

all we wanted was mario 64 4k and we got it

2020-10-07 16:11:00 UTC  

now you can die Nendendo 🙂

2020-10-07 16:11:42 UTC  

They stopped because the gamecube was more powerful than the ps2 but they made those weird disc things and they where awful for 3rd parties and they assumed that people didn't want revolutionary stuff somehow

2020-10-07 16:11:53 UTC  

"I release Nendendo from their eldritch bond.... you have my permission to be bankrupt!"

2020-10-07 16:12:09 UTC  

Do you like not even emulate games?

2020-10-07 16:12:26 UTC  

I pride myself in how little I game nowadays