Message from @Hyperactive
Discord ID: 796827058827034625
by constantly going on about it
All lgbtq people act the same
send it
I’ve never met anyone that repeatedly says I’m gay, trans, etc.
do i make trans my personality @Horny Bee ?
thats some monkeys
i am not saying EVERY one does am i
the latin version
thats just making assumptions now
sned what
oh let me find it
the latin version
i read it at christian school
Leviticus 20:13
so its been a while
ill be right back
i have an issue when people constantly brag about it in means of sending pictures of trans flags 24/7
I’ve never seen it
So it’s a rare occurrence
but i have
thats what im saying
Too many gays flex their sexuality
I’ve seen straight people post porn
i said i dislike it when they do
so whats wrong with that?
I’ve seen straight people comment on how hot some guy/girl is
i gotchu
qui dormierit cum masculo coitu femineo uterque operati sunt nefas morte moriantur sit sanguis eorum super eos
Is that their personality?
qui dormierit cum masculo coitu femineo uterque operati sunt nefas morte moriantur sit sanguis eorum super eos
i dont understand ur logic there sorry
personalities vary between human to human
i think we should firstly define what we believe a personality is