Message from @lachlan 🥀
Discord ID: 796867234815017062
when will you realize
Hey listen
vienna waits for you
death to america
sloooow down
you're doing fine
you can't be everything you wanna be before you time
Biden is your president
Finally we can agree on something
although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight
United Cuckdom
too bad but its the life you lead
Death to ISRAEL
you're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need
No trump no wall no America at all
john lennon: in hell
me: killing john lennon in heaven
though you can see when you're wrong, you can't always see when you're right, you're right
you got your passion
you got your pride
dont you know only fools are satisfied
be chat
dream on but dont think they'll all come true
when will you realize
isreal, more like isnt real
vienna waits for you
be gay
be non-existent
slow down you crazy child
n word
n word
and take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while