Message from @deth
Discord ID: 796766146652274699
@thrill_house turn on some lights sis
cook up some eggs
I already had an omelet and took my multivitamin and Fish oil
Chat gay I sleep now
well thats just completely not true at all
islam has no race
You can believe in any ideology regardless of race
You can be black and Jewish
You have to have a little brown to convert to that communist shit
You mean drake
what does islam have to do with communism lool
Drake isn't black
Yea if you have a Jewish mother
Like drake
You don't have to be ethnically Jewish to be a jew
i have a buddy who is white that converted to islam
religion has no race ✊
Islam is just communism for arabs used by jews against christendom
Thoughts on Jews? @Lebenstorm
Weren’t u socialist?
Judaism is a racial covenant
Yes but not communist
man fuck all this idiot trump losers storming some old stupid building
i just want my $2000 from the government
Read the torah then start with genesis chapter 22 i think starting with abraham
wtf up with that $600 shit
So trump conceded?
dunno bro
he prolly on a golf course rn
Yes hes crowning biden on the 20th
hello dio.
God damn it I work on the twentieth too
No but they certified the election result