Message from @isabella363

Discord ID: 760280520008663080

2020-09-28 16:17:49 UTC  
2020-09-28 16:18:59 UTC  
2020-09-28 19:55:06 UTC  


2020-09-28 19:55:21 UTC  

Big fan of the X22 REPORT

2020-09-28 19:55:49 UTC  

Same here 👍

2020-09-28 20:28:43 UTC

2020-09-28 20:51:51 UTC  

Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney
[Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net]
Wife of Rod Rosenstein

2020-09-28 20:52:21 UTC

2020-09-28 23:20:07 UTC  

Here it's the same. If the US "falls", we all are screwed. These bangsters and so on are longer in Europe and they got us. Hitler made the law that people are not allowed to have guns and they kept it.. After the war, I don't think many thought about this and on the country side we still had guns in every house. But not anymore.. We have this insane Green Party here and now I see they are coming to the US, too. I whish you the best, I whish I would be able to help, but I cannot, my prayers for you and the United States of America

2020-09-28 23:22:10 UTC  

If you do not I strongly Suggest You listen to X22 report it gives a excellent overview and analysis and breakdown of everything that's going on

2020-09-28 23:23:21 UTC  

I already watch them since 2016, but thank you so much 👍

2020-09-28 23:23:42 UTC  


2020-09-29 02:06:32 UTC  

CJTRUTH (@cjtruth) hat getwittert: This video moved me deeply also. Paul Harvey was an amazing man of God and said some amazing things that apply today. Who will we serve today? 2 Chronicles 7:14

2020-09-29 02:08:15 UTC  

Yes a very good post

2020-09-29 02:09:01 UTC  

Thank you 😊

2020-09-29 02:10:55 UTC  

👍 👍

2020-09-29 09:05:11 UTC

2020-09-29 10:29:54 UTC  

James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) hat getwittert: 10 MINUTE WARNING

We are about to drop the voter fraud MOAB. We have obtained a video of a ballot harvester exchanging cash for General Election ballots.

This is the smoking gun... #CashForBallots (

2020-09-29 11:18:58 UTC  


To all UK citizens

Please email the letter to [email protected] by tomorrow 👇👇👇

Dear Mr Speaker

I understand that there are a number of conservative back bench MPs along with other MPs who are constitutionally and morally obliged to speak for their constituents, and who are concerned about the contents of the Coronavirus Act 2020.

This legislation is pivotal to the entire population and touches every part of our daily lives. It is not an irrelevant piece of legislation. You have a duty to ensure this legislation is given time in the house, not just as speaker but as a human being. Parliament are paid public servants and our MPs and indeed the entire House work for and are paid for by us, the tax payer. People are losing their livelihoods, their homes, their relationships and their mental health amongst all of this. Students across the country are locked up in University accommodation, our elderly are locked up in care homes kept away from family and loved ones. This is not the time for political point scoring, this runs to the very heart of our society and civil liberties.

Regardless of the outcome of this particular Act, there will be an enquiry at the end of this, and INDIVIDUALS will be held to account. It is your duty to allow this vote to take place on Wednesday. This and rafts of other legislation connected to this “pandemic” have already come into force by stealth. It is now time for parliament to stop behaving like a dictatorship and follow the democratic process for which every single person in Great Britain thought they were voting for.

2020-09-29 13:53:36 UTC