Message from @Droidbot

Discord ID: 425946830510096394

2018-03-21 04:11:27 UTC  

>loads of free shit

2018-03-21 04:11:34 UTC  

>they had a raffle going on

2018-03-21 04:11:40 UTC  

>about to announce the winners

2018-03-21 04:11:45 UTC  

>fire alarm sounds

2018-03-21 04:11:55 UTC  

>two firetrucks outside

2018-03-21 04:12:03 UTC  

>evacuate the entire building

2018-03-21 04:12:22 UTC  

>celebrate because I get home earlier this way

2018-03-21 04:23:50 UTC  

should've taken more free shit when the fire alarm went off

2018-03-21 05:03:39 UTC  

they'd packed up the stands by then unfortunately

2018-03-21 05:04:42 UTC  

I got a cable manager, a whole packet of M&Ms, a fidget spinner, a webcam cover, a huge booklet for a local uni, and two frisbees

2018-03-21 05:21:30 UTC  

God frisbees are the most useless shit to give away and they always wind up everywhere. Fuck frisbee freebies

2018-03-21 05:57:21 UTC  

@Lynxoid you have had it coming for long time and i dont think that comment is smartest form of apology to community from continous spamming

2018-03-21 07:47:49 UTC  

@johnfrum it's just a frisbee, not a boomerang. Just throw it away.

2018-03-21 09:07:18 UTC  

I only trust old people yelling into a early 2000s camera for my recipes

2018-03-21 09:19:50 UTC  

@Droidbot that's pretty poor loot tbh

2018-03-21 09:20:07 UTC  

last time i was at one i got two raspberry pi model a's and some usb sticks from 8-32gb

2018-03-21 09:20:11 UTC  

there was like 5 stands

2018-03-21 09:20:18 UTC  

actually giving away shit

2018-03-21 09:20:29 UTC  

there was one stand where you had to answer some questions about java

2018-03-21 09:20:34 UTC  

if you answered all 5 correctly you got a pi

2018-03-21 09:20:38 UTC  

just a small 'get into stem lol' kinda place

2018-03-21 09:20:47 UTC  

eventually they ran out, but they said leave your address we'll mail them out

2018-03-21 09:20:47 UTC  

What kinda questions?

2018-03-21 09:20:59 UTC  

dumb questions that a first year should be able to answer

2018-03-21 09:21:04 UTC  


2018-03-21 09:21:53 UTC  

"is java usable on any enviroment"

2018-03-21 09:21:56 UTC  


2018-03-21 09:22:00 UTC  

"heres your PI"

2018-03-21 09:22:06 UTC  


2018-03-21 09:22:07 UTC  

private int five = 9;
public void Foo() {
five = five - 5;
System.console.println("5" + five);

2018-03-21 09:22:10 UTC  

shit like that

2018-03-21 09:22:12 UTC  

"is there any reason to use java in 2018"

2018-03-21 09:22:15 UTC  

and it was multiple answer too

2018-03-21 09:22:17 UTC  


2018-03-21 09:22:38 UTC  

@Droidbot CORRECT: heres your lifetime supply of PIs

2018-03-21 09:22:42 UTC  

>people who actually answer "5five"

2018-03-21 09:22:45 UTC  

@Tervy danke

2018-03-21 09:22:45 UTC  

i laughed

2018-03-21 09:23:14 UTC  

>see cargoplane dumb around 100.000 pis on your car

2018-03-21 09:23:16 UTC  

If you're that newbie that you put "" around variables you don't deserve a damn pi

2018-03-21 09:23:22 UTC  

"umm... how i should get these home"