Message from @Ragnarok

Discord ID: 780628677716607007

2020-11-24 02:49:15 UTC

2020-11-24 02:49:28 UTC  

UK is utterly cucked

2020-11-24 02:51:24 UTC  

More than you can imagine

2020-11-24 02:51:46 UTC  

Some bitchs son got killed supposedly for being black

2020-11-24 02:51:59 UTC  

bahtory fucking rules

2020-11-24 02:52:03 UTC  

Their faggot larping monarch named her a baroness

2020-11-24 02:52:17 UTC  

She sits in the House of Lords now

2020-11-24 02:52:24 UTC  

Only because her son got killed

2020-11-24 02:53:19 UTC  

A thousand years ago, you became a baron because you fought alongside the king and turned the tide of battle, so he rewarded you with land and title

2020-11-24 02:53:39 UTC  

Nowadays you just gotta be black and your son get bonked

2020-11-24 02:53:53 UTC  

What fuckery is this

2020-11-24 02:54:13 UTC  

"I seized these lands in the war and his majesty the king granted me hereditary right to them along with serfs to work the fields"

"My baby dindu nuffin so we be barons n sheeiiit"

2020-11-24 02:54:37 UTC  

Badlands: "I was just a slave in the poppy fields, I became baron by killing the one before me; power is not given, it is taken".

Britain: "I is baron cause my baby dindu nuffin and whitey killed him"

2020-11-24 02:56:38 UTC  

@Rievous some black sluts son got bonked by some drunk white guys in UK

2020-11-24 02:56:51 UTC  

And Elizabeth granted her life peerage as a baroness

2020-11-24 02:57:42 UTC  

Imagine coming from a family where every able man has fought in wars for the kingdom and shed blood, to keep their lands, and then some old bitch just comes along and gives away the same title

2020-11-24 02:58:05 UTC  

And keep in mind this is not honorary shit, the House of Lords is basically our Senate

2020-11-24 02:59:02 UTC  

It's essentially the same as sleeping your way to being crown princess and now you have the war hero prince balls in a vice

2020-11-24 02:59:25 UTC  

*ahem* Meghan *ahem*

2020-11-24 02:59:27 UTC  


2020-11-24 02:59:40 UTC  

Doreen Lawrence is her name

2020-11-24 02:59:52 UTC

2020-11-24 02:59:57 UTC  

UK must not even be a real country because it's such a backwards clusterfuck

2020-11-24 03:00:14 UTC  

Yeah the monarchy is a bunch of decrepit child killers

2020-11-24 03:00:17 UTC  

And eaters too

2020-11-24 03:00:26 UTC  

And should just be nuked from space

2020-11-24 03:00:30 UTC  

Hint hint Jimmy Savile

2020-11-24 03:00:36 UTC  

You find their villas

2020-11-24 03:00:48 UTC  

`Target acquired; eviscerating lizard people.`

2020-11-24 03:01:15 UTC  

British law requires the monarch to be anointed by the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, which never actually happened for Elizabeth

2020-11-24 03:01:47 UTC  

And if you follow the Jacobite line, the ruler would be the same guy who would be King of Bavaria had the Jews not destroyed Europe in 1918

2020-11-24 03:02:41 UTC  

He's unmarried and childless, and the next in line is also old as fuck, so the one after, well he is a young superchad who actually had groomsmen wearing armor and swords at his wedding

2020-11-24 03:48:46 UTC  

Fuckin Kemp would only step in once he couldn't slither out

2020-11-24 03:55:39 UTC  

for those of you wondering about the syndney powell thing, it;s explained in this video, and the one above

2020-11-24 03:55:59 UTC  

the Donald Trump upload, not the tatum report upload

2020-11-24 04:07:10 UTC  

Based! Thanks for posting @Rievous

2020-11-24 04:07:42 UTC  

@Tom - GET Official Any time lad, things are starting to look up now