Message from @Ehzek

Discord ID: 781711701245952040

2020-11-27 02:39:35 UTC  

I've recently found out one idea I had was a communist idea lol

2020-11-27 02:39:41 UTC  


2020-11-27 02:39:59 UTC  

About conscription of homeless into a public works sorta deal

2020-11-27 02:40:22 UTC  


2020-11-27 02:40:29 UTC  

I mean

2020-11-27 02:40:31 UTC  

Welp, the pope fully cucked out

2020-11-27 02:40:35 UTC  

I'm for gassing the.

2020-11-27 02:40:37 UTC  

what he do

2020-11-27 02:40:42 UTC  


2020-11-27 02:40:46 UTC  

what a jew

2020-11-27 02:40:55 UTC  

But working them Would be better

2020-11-27 02:40:58 UTC  

that is old news though

2020-11-27 02:41:00 UTC  

Jews have more integrity than him

2020-11-27 02:41:17 UTC  

He probably is a jew

2020-11-27 02:41:26 UTC  


2020-11-27 02:41:43 UTC  

Lots of sleeper jews

2020-11-27 02:41:54 UTC  

Working their long term jewery

2020-11-27 02:42:26 UTC  

How long does this cuck have left?

2020-11-27 02:42:44 UTC  

Is he at least in his 70s?

2020-11-27 02:43:13 UTC  

83 hel ye

2020-11-27 02:43:25 UTC  

Ruth bader this fag

2020-11-27 02:43:35 UTC  

If people took the time to learn the story behind the ki🅱️e slur, there would be a lot more anti semitism

2020-11-27 02:44:00 UTC  

Please enlighten me

2020-11-27 02:44:54 UTC  

Immigrants coming to america couldn't even write their name, so they just put an X

2020-11-27 02:47:08 UTC  

However, Jewish immigrants thought it looked too much like the cross, so they put a circle. Jewish word for circle is kikel

2020-11-27 02:48:05 UTC  

They don't even use a proper plus sign cause it looks too much like the cross.

2020-11-27 02:49:40 UTC  

Burning a jew a day keeps the apocalypse at bay

2020-11-27 02:49:49 UTC  


2020-11-27 02:57:27 UTC  


2020-11-27 02:58:31 UTC  

They're scared

2020-11-27 02:59:57 UTC  


2020-11-27 03:05:31 UTC  

Why the fuck do I ever bother readin twitter comments <:thinking:445724717450526731>

2020-11-27 03:22:01 UTC  

Fuck scared, they're terrified, and more important: Angry. For the first time in a while, we have the audacity to actually fight them.

2020-11-27 04:12:45 UTC  

He’s a marxist what do you expect?

2020-11-27 04:16:26 UTC  

Jesuits from my understanding follow Christianized marxism or liberation theology. Jesuits arent even supposed to be pope.

2020-11-27 05:02:56 UTC  
2020-11-27 05:03:28 UTC  

I guess

2020-11-27 05:03:44 UTC  

ooo Mengsk

2020-11-27 05:04:30 UTC  

Would you consider yourself a good starcraft player?